Irma No Longer “Woke”? – IOTW Report

Irma No Longer “Woke”?

Irma was a righteous hurricane, taking aim at Mar-a-Lago and punishing right-wing voters. This was the majority sentiment of deranged leftists all over social media.

But a funny thing happened on the way to JustDessertsVille. Irma gave a head fake, and it looks like Tampa is going to get whacked pretty hard.

Now, I would never root for a natural disaster to befall any area, unless it was assuredly 100% leftist, like the editorial boardroom of the NY Times. But, it’s interesting that Tampa is one of the large metropolitan areas in Florida that broke for Hillary in the 2016 election.

Is Irma still “woke”?

DaTechGuy has more.

20 Comments on Irma No Longer “Woke”?

  1. Progressives are just batshit crazy raging cuntrockets. They cannot help but to say the most assholiish thing that crosses their diseased cerebral shitscape at any opportunity. And, because of that, they always fall flat on their faces in the end.

  2. Even less woke is the fact that Irma scraped up against Cuba, which took some of the steam out of the storm. It bounced off that encounter as a Category 3. If it hadn’t done that, it would have hit Florida as a borderline 5, as opposed to a borderline 3. Big difference, I’m sure you would agree

    So, let’s all gloat about the hardships of the people of the east coast Cuba. Christ, on my most demented day I couldn’t do that

  3. Some nut case in CA (knows nothing about hurricanes) + tweeted the lie that Trump was asked to open MAL as shelter & he refused. My lord, the ignoramouses that piled on….
    MAL located between Intercoastal & Atlantic Ocean, Palm Bch evacuated, yet the rabid haters want so bad to believe this.

  4. Damn. I’m driving down to Tampa from Ohio on Friday to be with my niece, who is delivering her first child on Monday. I can’t even imagine what I’ll encounter if and when I get there.

  5. Reminds me of the Super Bowl. The Falcons were crushing it in the first half and the libs were in ecstasy. Then the Patriots came out after halftime and won. I wish Belichik had worn a MAGA hat while receiving the Lombardi Trophy. Oh, and don’t think I’m a Pats fan. My veins run Aqua and Orange (Miami Dolphins!). But any day I can see lib heads exploding is a good day.

  6. Seriously, Brown eyes, time your trip to avoid morning and afternoon rush hours in every major city you pass through.
    Even Chattanooga, though not a major city, will be a bottleneck.
    I speak of experience.
    Proper timing can literally save hours of travel on the road.

  7. LOL, Am I Right! Her name is Zoe Katherine, but I told her mother I’m going to call her ‘”Irma”. To everyone else, thanks for the tips. I was hoping I’d get a few.

  8. BEG, congrats. Expect possible gas shortages along the Interstate. Carrying a couple spare gallons of gas in the trunk will add peace of mind and extended range.
    You’ll know before you leave whether power is out there. If so plan on bringing extra flashlights, lanterns, spare batteries and all that. Maybe a cooler of food. And water. No power = no city pressure for running water.

  9. Rufus, Unless an underground line is compromised, They should have pressure until the water runs out of the water towers. It’ll get weaker as it drains, but they should get to use pretty much all of what is in the towers.

    Gravity is the “pump pressure” that gets it to you from the tower.

    The pumps are what put it up there, not for pushing it to your house from there.

    That’s why the water doesn’t stops when the electricity goes down for days.

    I would still fill the bath tub and have 10s of gallons of drinking water on hand. Tub water = Flushing, sponge baths, washing dishes, etc..

    A camping-style, or a preppers, water filter is your best backup friend in this area. Then you can filter the collected water outside if needed.

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