Squalls and Power Flicker – IOTW Report

Squalls and Power Flicker

The latest from St. Lucie West, somewhere near the Mets training camp, are the brief squalls of driving, cold rain. They last a minute and a half and dump about an 1/8th of an inch each pass. They seem to come every 15 or 20 minutes.

The winds at top gust are only about 40 mph, if that.

Considering what the alternative could have been we feel blessed in this area and pray for the people who are getting the brunt of this.

The downside of the news is the power flickered off momentarily just before my preparation of this post.

I hope to be online as long as possible. But it’s not in my hands.


Tree just outside… unbent… for now.  10 minutes ago it was sideways.

29 Comments on Squalls and Power Flicker

  1. It seems the Fickle Finger of Fate has moved the hurricane out of your neighborhood into the paths of others.

    I pray this storm is not as bad as the panic seekers on the weather channel wish it to be.

  2. I’m very worried about the storm surge in the S. west Fl area. It’s really going to push water up into the coastal areas and the many, many islands are in trouble too. Port Charlotte harbor bears watching. Hope all got out.

  3. I just spoke with my mother in Sarasota County and swapped emails with my sister who lives next door to her. The word from their local coastal pros is that the storm surge is likely to be a problem for the barrier islands and immediate actual Gulf coast but not so much in the many streams, rivers, bays that drain into the Gulf. But many of those rivers are going to be (if not already are) at flood stage from the rain. The bottom line (so to speak) is that the situation isn’t good, but not as dire as yesterday’s forecasts suggested.

    It is nice to be with BFH and Company here in Port St. Lucie. Good company for nasty weather.

  4. Eugenia,
    I don’t know the full situation on the Hemingway cats, how tame or feral they are. But have you ever heard the phrase, “trying to herd cats”? Near impossible.

  5. @Deplorable B Woodman, apparently they did round up the cats and put them in the house along with some caretakers. I figure if they could do that they could have transported them elsewhere.
    I do feral cat TNR and usually have no or minor problems with them until April ’17. There was a feral pregnant cat I needed to get, the trap wasn’t handy and I forgot my leather and kevlar lined gloves. I caught mama, she had babies that night. In the process she bit the living tar out of me which resulted in 4 days of hospitalization on IV antibiotics. Over kill if you ask me. There was no infection, just tissue trauma. When the hand surgeon sliced my finger to drain it all that happened was a blood letting.

    I wasn’t there at the Hemingway House obviously so don’t know how difficult to handle these cats are. They should have called me, LOL. What’s one more bite or 2? Have kevlar gloves, will travel.

  6. Eugenia-

    I went to the hospital immediately after a cat bite and left with a prescription. 36 hrs later I was checked in. My hand looked like a claw and after 10 days I still could barely move my fingers. I checked myself out after 10 days against doc’s wishes.

    Good news however, I had worked for years on relaxing my bow hand (vln/vla) and this injury did the trick. Regained full ability within a few months but it stayed relaxed.

  7. @Art, ouch! The finger still feels stiff and achy when I bend it. Squeezing balls was recommended – the toy ones. Part of the problem, possibly, was kooky hand surgeon. He stuck a metal probe through my finger for no purpose other than ‘watch this’. A very strange little man except he never sent me so bill. I think he didn’t bill me because of the probe through the bite entry hole and out the back where he sliced.
    I’m glad to hear you recovered from the incident.

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