Fellowship Down- Harvard Rescinds Manning Fellowship, Who Doesn’t Take It Very Well – IOTW Report

Fellowship Down- Harvard Rescinds Manning Fellowship, Who Doesn’t Take It Very Well

The Dean of the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government apparently realized what a disaster the former private Chelsea Manning was going to be for his institution and rescinded the invitation to be a visiting fellow.

Manning responded with a series of tweets accusing the school of unfair treatment and of doing the bidding of the “military/police/intel state” and the “cia.”


Manning’s twitter feed Here

40 Comments on Fellowship Down- Harvard Rescinds Manning Fellowship, Who Doesn’t Take It Very Well

  1. And to think Harvard — like most of the ivies — was founded in order to give solid grounding in Christianity and great philosophers, teaching them in their original Latin, Greek and source languages. It began as a training center for clergy.

    “You’ve come a long way, baby.”

  2. How will he cope with the rejection? OD? Cut his junk off? Steal some nuclear secrets and sell them to the ChiComs? Jump off a building?

    Enquiring minds couldn’t less of a crap.

  3. Mr. Manning would not have been accepted in the US military under the stricter standards for enlistment that Ocorpsman eliminated when he sought to destroy the military with political correctness. The fact that Harvard University invited this traitorous mental case to speak on its campus, shows just how far this country has fallen during sixty years of progressive enlightenment.

  4. A couple of thoughts. The first is good for Harvard to repeal this invitation although you have to wonder about their judgement in offering it in the first place. I also wonder how many calls were made by donors that threatened to take their money elsewhere if the invitation wasn’t withdrawn. The second is to wonder whether these liberal, progressive institutions are finally getting the fact that the US at long last has a conservative (well conservative on a lot of things) President that will fight back very publically and very loudly to attacks and is supported by more and more of the population every day and whether this also factored into their decision.

  5. Darwinian. The former illustrious universities are brain dead. Out with the old universities, in with the better. Thank heavens that alums and the public still have their heads screwed on straight.

    Just think of all the govt jobs filled by grads of this School. ugh

  6. From the Harvard Kennedy School… Their announcement…
    Have puke bucket near before you start to read it…

    Chelsea E. Manning is a Washington D.C. based network security expert and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst. She speaks on the social, technological and economic ramifications of Artificial Intelligence through her op-ed columns for The Guardian and The New York Times. As a trans woman, she advocates for queer and transgender rights as @xychelsea on Twitter. Following her court martial conviction in 2013 for releasing confidential military and State Department documents, President Obama commuted her 35-year sentence, citing it as “disproportionate” to the penalties faced by other whistleblowers. She served seven years in prison.

  7. The “APOLOGY?”

    “I now think that designating Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow was a mistake, for which I accept responsibility,” Kennedy School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf said in a statement posted on the university’s website early Friday. “I still think that having her speak in the Forum and talk with students is consistent with our longstanding approach, which puts great emphasis on the value of hearing from a diverse collection of people.

  8. On the campus of Harvard a newbie approaches a senior and says; “Can you tell me where the library is?”
    The stuffy senior looks down his nose at the newbie and says; “At Harvard we don’t end a question with a preposition”.
    The newbie responded; “Well then, can you tell me where the library is, ASSHOLE?”

  9. @Any Mouse: “She served seven years in prison.”

    It served seven years in prison. She served one year, he served six years. Would be a good question for common core math.

  10. As much as I oppose someone as dysphorically gender confused as this person is (to say nothing about their treasonous past) being appointed to a prestigious position, I would have had more respect for harvard if they had stood by their original choice. While they chose a convicted traitor, they have now demonstrated they also have no strength in their own convictions. They need to lay off the gender fluids.
    And they have now discovered how to make a ‘fallow fellow.’
    Great institution, they have become.

  11. Is “Chelsea” some kind of “dog-whistle” name for “fugly?”

    Just axin … I seem to remember another “Chelsea” who’s pretty fuckin ugly, too.
    (not that I’m a pretty boy …)

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Great comments on this thread.


    So many great institutions ruined by Progs.

    I can”t fathom such an ivitation being offered before BHO. So much treason ignored and left unpunished.

  13. You had to accept gays, then gay marriage, then transgender, then no gender or whatever the hell they call it, next bestiality and finally pedophilia.
    I remind people every day who told me I was crazy 30 years ago who didn’t believe the crazy would get crazier.

  14. “…Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf said in a statement posted on the university’s website early Friday. “I still think that having her speak in the Forum and…”

    HIM!!!! HIM, Goddamn it!!!! ..having HIM speak! Stop succumbing to HIS delusion. Jeeeeez.

  15. “This is what a military/police/intel state looks like,” Manning tweeted. “The CIA determines what is said and is not taught at Harvard.”

    Would it feel better if it thought the invitation was rescinded because it’s a traitorous, mentally-deranged freak?

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