If Hillary Had Won – IOTW Report

If Hillary Had Won

This is the cover “The New Yorker” was going to run once Hillary Clinton won the White House last year.

Twitter thought it a strange choice Here


49 Comments on If Hillary Had Won

  1. The ONLY reason Hillary Rodham-Clinton should be in the news AT ALL is coverage of her trial.

    The American public has only so much patience and it has run out.

    Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Obama, Clinton, Sessions, Rosenstein, Graham, McCain, McConnell, Pelosi, and the rest are proceeding with their “business as usual” BS at their peril.

  2. What happened to those Twatters , did someone skin their Cat ?
    If your crying in a Lecture , you have other bigger problems…
    Like facing the actual cause of your problems ! If you had regular life problems before Trump , it’s safe to assume Trump is’nt the Problem !

  3. We can all rejoice. No more Kennedys. No more Clintons. No bench of rising stars. They’re washed up losers with nothing to offer. Democrats are reduced to disruptive tactics and inciting violence against a restrained and sensible population that will tolerate tantrums only so long. We have tools we do not wish to
    Use. But we have them and know how to use them if necessary.

    They have masks and balloons full of urine.

  4. Hillary only had one major problem when you think of it. That problem: she is Hillary Clinton. With the MSM lock step behind her coupled with voter fraud it is a miracle she lost.

    Not a day goes by that I don’t have cause to think “thank god she lost”. After listing to Trump’s full UN speech I have been thinking it at least once every other hour. That was one hell of a speech

  5. BFH; Please, oh please, Can we go 24 hours without any mention of HRC? Any day you choose. A witchless day. A day without Hillary is like a day WITH sunshine.
    I beg, plead, grovel for succor.

  6. The illustration depicts Hillary in the shadow of Obama, who is symbolized by the elements of his logo: white circle on blue field and three red stripes, all of which are above her, and she looks upward as if for guidance. It’s enough to make you gag.


    Learn how to read illuminati symbology. This is no accident, it rarely is. The MOON is a top ten (wink-wink) symbol of the occult, the hidden, the unknown, secret societies, Satan.

    I’m more surprised the window wasn’t a triangle and the moon was the “All Seeing Eye” towards the top. They don’t seem to care that anyone has figured them out. Maybe they have enough power where it doesn’t matter anymore.

  8. We’d be in the middle of a Civil war by now. Many innocent people would have been Arkansacided or imprisoned. The entire Federal government would have been politicized, pardons would depend on how much money convicts were willing to donate to the Clinton Foundation. Teacher unions would have shut down the schools already, demanding massive wage and benefit increases.

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