Canada: Man jailed for “no more Muslims” graffiti – IOTW Report

Canada: Man jailed for “no more Muslims” graffiti

Jihad Watch:

The man, Joseph Porto, scrawled “no more Muslims”; this can be interpreted in the worst possible manner, as genocidal and hence reprehensible; but it could also be interpreted as a statement regarding immigration restrictions. He stated that he felt people were “taking advantage of living in this country.”

Judge Justice Ferhan Javed stated that “Mr. Porco’s message was both hateful and hurtful to the community and needs to be deterred.”

Did the punishment fit the crime? Why are Islamic hate preachers who explicitly call for the murder of Jews not being jailed? Ditto for those who incite violence against Zionists and Jews during al Quds day rallies.

Back in February, a hate crimes complaint was “filed with Toronto police against a downtown mosque whose imam allegedly called for killing Jews.” The Masjid Toronto is affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada — an organization inspired by Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.

What action has been taken on that complaint?


6 Comments on Canada: Man jailed for “no more Muslims” graffiti

  1. Bulldoze them all. Most are just a cover for weapons arsenals anyways. How many Christian churches are stocked with weapons to hand out to their members when things finally do go down?

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