This Makes More Sense Than Tearing Down Statues – IOTW Report

This Makes More Sense Than Tearing Down Statues

If only the SJWs started, and ended, with this particular crusade, maybe I wouldn’t want to clunk their collective heads together.

This is still an annoying braying from people who exist only to perfect the world in their vision, no matter how important or insignificant. It’s best not to indulge them at all, ever. It only encourages them.

AZ 4th graders recite ‘gender-neutral’ Declaration of Independence

17 Comments on This Makes More Sense Than Tearing Down Statues

  1. Gee Wally, I guess it’s just too complex to teach kids about History, MANkind and MOTHER Earth and that the nation is a “she” while polluting their minds with Common Core insanity dreamed up by an extreme radical Left-wing, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, self-professed, guilty as hell, free as a bird Communist by the name of Bill Ayers!

    The Leftoid Locusts are out to destroy everything in their path until all that remains is… Venezuela!

  2. Dirtbags. They don’t have imagination enough to understand that the pronouns aren’t important, therefore they are incapable of envisioning anything as purely brilliant and bold as the American Constitution. It is the only one of its kind in the world, then and today.

    Come on, Utopians, how do you improve on it? They can’t and no one has ever come forward to suggest a replacement that improves it. So shut the hell up and quit bothering people with your ignorance.

  3. If you still have children (or grandchildren) attending public school, get them out now! If you can’t spend the time homeschooling, you can hire someone or find a homeschooling parent group who can help you find someone. Anything less at this point amounts to extreme neglect of your child’s (or grandchild’s) future. You might as well admit that you just don’t care. Seriously. Don’t give your children over to these batshit crazy, anti-America, anti-you zombies.

  4. …and you’d be surprised how little time you actually need to spend teaching them at home. The average parent can get the resources they need and your kid will learn twice to three times as much as they would sitting in a classroom devoted, now, to the welfare of the teachers, in nine months’ time. Parents teaching their children is the most natural thing in the world, it’s only the “experts” who have drummed it into us that it takes someone with a teachers’ degree. Hogwash! You know what the colleges are turning out now, so don’t buy it. They are only interested in indoctrinating your kids against you and everything America stands for. And you’re paying them to do it!

  5. AA – You are sooo right! Our kids are well out of college, but even back then sending them thru the Catholic school system put them waay ahead of their peers, something they discovered once they got to college and were able to see the difference!

  6. @Rat Fink — Ours is officially launched. Finished (prestigious Business School) a year early in Fiance/Sales, got dream job before graduation, lives in new apartment with a congenial person who is also fully employed. We are now free to sell everything, buy some new toys and hit the road in search of the perfect conservative small town. (Know any good places?)

    I’m so serious. Why would you keep taking your car back to a really bad mechanic, or go to a any service provider who doesn’t deliver the goods? It’s nuts. Today’s public skools are worse than that. They will destroy the brains of your children! Can you imagine having that Leftist mental illness in your own kids!? They’ll be living off you for the rest of their lives — because they figure you owe them.

  7. Just in case you need it, here is a link to a group who has aggregated national homeschooling resources. You will have a similar state organization, too. If we can start an identifiable movement to pull America’s children out of that cesspool called Public Education there’s no need to demand the whackjob administrators, teachers, unions and the D o Ed. be changed. It. Will. Change. They will all just disappear. Today’s public education no longer serves the needs of children or their families. Like all things Leftist, it seeks to destroy them and our country.

  8. Is it time we had a Vote in the classroom ? We voted in the President, therefore We Adults can live in a world where Trump runs the country !
    Our kiddo’s don’t even have Trumps world as an option, if they even speak our Leaders name at school they’re ridiculed by an adult . We’re allowing them teachers who know nothing of life , and will never figure reality out !

  9. AA, most average-income parents can’t afford to keep a parent home all day to take care of the kids.

    They see the school system as a baby sitter.

    I know of no support for home schooling from the Govt.. Quite the opposite. The schools get money per butt in the seats. Mom and Dad don’t – and they are paying for the local schools, through taxes, on top of it. Even if they rent – they are paying that tax in that rent.

    Same dynamic that gives incentives for fatherless homes. The Mom gets more money for having more kids and no Dad in the home.

    It’s all backwards. They subsidize the worst things while starving and punishing the best.

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