USAA members demand company cut ties with NFL – IOTW Report

USAA members demand company cut ties with NFL

KENS 5: SAN ANTONIO – USAA members are calling for the company to ends its sponsorship with the NFL after recent protests by professional athletes during the national anthem.

USAA is the official military appreciation sponsor of the NFL. The “Salute to Service” campaign was launched in 2011 to advertise with the league and show appreciation for the military.

“The focus of USAA’s sponsorship is to honor service members, veterans and their families with exclusive access and once-in-a-life experiences at various team and NFL-related events and programs. These efforts include ways for NFL fans, players and teams to show their appreciation for the military and their families,” Hartwig said.

Members expressed their frustrations on several online threads that are posted on USAA’s member community page. John C. said he’s begun canceling his accounts with USAA.  MORE

22 Comments on USAA members demand company cut ties with NFL

  1. Eugenia — As I was sitting here tonight mentally toting up the collateral damage a sudden sense of awe overtook me. “Holy cow! So this is the hill the Left chose to die on?!” I mean, jeeze, you just couldn’t pick a more perfect expression of a mainstream American phenomenon than the love of Americans for their favorite NFL team. For cryin’ out loud, people get buried in their team’s football jerseys and they’re going to mess with that?!

  2. Dayum,
    Come on and join our convoy
    Ain’t nothin’ gonna get in our way.
    We gonna roll this truckin’ convoy
    ‘cross the USA
    I have a niece retired from the USAF, she would kick ‘Cynthia’s’ ass.

  3. Color me impressed. I was impressed when I first heard of them. Now I see they mean it to the core.

    They have the best insurance rates I ever saw. Full coverage on a 2011 Silverado for $90 a month. Crazy good response to accidents and theft.

    Even the members of our family who didn’t serve, benefit by being able to use them. All because #1 son uses them.

    If you have served in the military, you should check them out and compare rates and coverage.

  4. I was listening to the radio yesterday and I heard Michael Savage refer to our new favorite football player as “Colin Pimpleneck”. I know its a bit juvenile but I burst out laughing.

  5. ending sponsorship is a start but the NFL has awoken a sleeping giant. Game and sponsor boycotts, withdrawal of taxpayer funding and recension of the NFL’s non profit status are next. It’s never wise to piss off your fans, Goodell.

  6. Abigail and Czar,
    I think this is a major offensive on the cultural marxist front.
    They want to kill football, for the exact reasons you stated.
    ALL of our American culture’s icons and activities are subject to assault, especially now.
    In fact, they could be doing shit like this to force an actual hot civil war. They think they have the perfect excuse to “resist” something they’ve deluded themselves into thinking is evil.

  7. Dan K — Of that I have no doubt. It’s just that they have thoroughly overestimated their fire power on this target. Like NOKO, living in their own little world of restricted thought, that think they have a shot at taking down their nemesis but have no idea what size is the can of Whoop A$$ they selected. Now, whether it’s accurate or not, I don’t know, but I read a headline tonight: “63% of Americans believe the NFL should stand for the Anthem.” It wasn’t “63% of conservatives” or “63% of Republicans”. It seems the Left’s attack on American’s love of football is what it takes for many incurious Americans to finally experience and understand the threat. And they are having none of it.

  8. I boycotted Starbucks. At first it was uncomfortable, now it’s as if that company doesn’t even exist.

    I boycotted Campbells. At first it was weird eating store brand chix noodle soup. Now it’s as if that company doesn’t even exist.

    I live in Jacksonville & reside a scant 2 miles from the stadium – gotta’ drive past it just to get to work. The NFL & the Jaguars and that stadium will never see a red cent from me again. It’ll be as if the NFL doesn’t even exist.

  9. I just talked to Terri at USAA and I enjoyed chatting with her. She took notes and asked to go over several items with her including Cynthia’s comments. She was very pleasant and understanding. I asked her to look at my account and see how long I have been with them, 34 years, and how much I have used my credit card and payment history. Then I asked her to convince me to stay with them. We covered the NFL and how they don’t need them to reach out to service members. I also asked her and the girl who originally took my call if they new what a “Gold Star Mother” was.
    I thanked her for taking my name and assuring me my remarks would be forwarded to higher ups. With other cards in my wallet I don’t need USAA if they believe the politics of the NFL are more important than our service members. I hope they reconsider their support and sponsorship of pro football.
    They have 30 days. Or I move on.

  10. @Carmenzoid, the Starbutt’s in the town used to do a booming business and then it stopped doing much business. It was a combination of Starbutt’s supporting illegals over citizens and a cheapie gas station coffee bar opening. Starbutt’s is now closed.

    @organgrinder, good name for that ass. We call him Colin Copperhead

  11. Just made my call….

    USAA claims that 78% of active duty members watch the NFL….

    and that’s why they advertise/support the NFL….

    I asked them to review their advertising support for an organization that disrespects the national anthem, flag, and country that their shareholders, veterans, and the veteran’s families represent..

  12. I was thinking of switching from State Farm to USAA…..but I think I’ll wait to see what USAA does in regards to their support of the NFL, before I make my decision.

  13. I have previously shitcanned first Progressive and then GEICO when I found out who their owners were and what causes they supported. I’ll do it again. I vote with my wallet!

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