In this episode: Actress Details Alleged Assault by Weinstein, Clooney Accused of Blacklisting, and more! – IOTW Report

In this episode: Actress Details Alleged Assault by Weinstein, Clooney Accused of Blacklisting, and more!

Breitbart: British actress Sophie Dix opened up to the Guardian this week in a harrowing interview in which she describes in detail an alleged sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein when she was 22 years old, an experience she says derailed her acting career and which she called “the single most damaging thing that’s happened in my life.”

Dix, now 49, told the Guardian that she was on her way up as an actress in 1990 when she met Weinstein at the Savoy Hotel in London, where Weinstein apparently preferred to stay when he visited. Dix was co-starring with Colin Firth in a film called The Advocate (or The Hour of the Pig in the UK), when Weinstein invited her to dinner at a nearby upscale restaurant.

“Maybe I went to talk about the film, maybe I went because it was a dinner in Joe Allen with someone from Hollywood. The point was, I had met him before I was doing a film with him. It was an exciting time of my life,” the then-22-year-old said. “I was open and trusting and I had never met a predator; I had never considered a predator.”


George Clooney Accused of Helping Blacklist Actress Who Complained of Sexual Harassment (Update).

George Clooney has been accused of helping “blacklist” an actress after she complained of sexual and racial harassment.

“Clooney helped blacklist me when I spoke up [about] harassment on ER,” claimed ER actress Vanessa Marquez in a post on Twitter. “Women who dont play the game lose career… I did.”

“He’s not who he pretends [to be],” added Marquez in another post. “Wells, NBC, Amblin, WB, cast & crew & my agents all complicit in my #Blacklist [for] speaking UP in ’95”

After one user expressed their shock that Clooney would be accused of covering up sexual harassment, Marquez replied, “He’s a monster in his own way… Everyone should know The Truth About Clooney.”  MORE



In Harvey Weinstein Saga, Young Lives Forever Altered.


NEW YORK (AP) — Katherine Kendall was 23 and fresh out of acting school when she met him. A former ballet dancer working hard to launch herself as an actress, she had just landed a good agent and was juggling a schedule packed with auditions.

“He was so warm when I met him and so inviting. He made me feel he was going to take me under his wing,” Kendall, now 48, recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. “He literally said, ‘Welcome to the Miramax family.’”

Her meeting with Harvey Weinstein, she thought, was going really well.

Weinstein gave her scripts to read and took her to a movie screening at an Upper West Side theater, she said. When they exited, he said he needed to stop at his apartment. There, after spending some time talking, she said, Weinstein came back from the bathroom in a robe and asked for a massage. When she hesitated, Weinstein implored, “Everybody does it,” Kendall recalled. She fled after he briefly left the room and returned nude, chasing her around the room, she said.  MORE


6 Comments on In this episode: Actress Details Alleged Assault by Weinstein, Clooney Accused of Blacklisting, and more!

  1. I wonder if Hillary has had Harvey between her legs. Has he seen her “ample bosom”? There are no conversations when women make all the noise. One can’t expect anything but a snake to emerge from a snake pit. Maybe it’s time for Harvey to write a book.

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