If You Ever Begin To Doubt Yourself… – IOTW Report

If You Ever Begin To Doubt Yourself…

Always remember Leonardo DiCaprio has gained fame and fortune reaching the peak of his profession
despite never learning to wear a watch.

13 Comments on If You Ever Begin To Doubt Yourself…

  1. Conservatives constantly doubt themselves. Question both sides of the argument. Question and legitimize their logic.

    Ya can’t say the same for Libtards now can you. Fucking brain washed idiots. And that may very well be the difference between us and them. LOGIC.

  2. I have no doubt that there are thugs/rappers who actually wear watches like that. And I also have no doubt that they have T-I-C-K and T-O-C-K tattooed on their dragging knuckles.

  3. He’s just checking his popularity barometer. If he can get libtards to wear their watches like that, he’ll know his fan base.

    Oh, oh, I wonder how many snowflake lib-bots have a watch, or would even recognize one.

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