Melania Trump is Making the White House less expensive again – IOTW Report

Melania Trump is Making the White House less expensive again

Melania Trump Saving Tax Dollars as First Lady, Unlike Michelle O.


TruthRevolt: It’s not costing as much for Melania Trump to assume the role of first lady as it did with Michelle Obama. According to a Fox News report, Trump has cut the budget in half by not being surrounded by needless aides.

In the analysis done of White House personnel, Mrs. Obama had 16 employees in her first year in office. Their salaries totaled $1.24 million. That does not include other aides that worked for her, which brings the grand total to 24. According to, that could be a record: “That may indeed be the largest of any first lady, but Hillary Clinton, with 19 staffers, and Laura Bush with at least 18 and perhaps more, weren’t far behind.”

So far, Mrs. Trump has just four people working in her office, making a combined $486,700 in salaries. Adding in her extra aides, Trump has a grand total of nine working for her — 15 less than the former first lady.  MORE


25 Comments on Melania Trump is Making the White House less expensive again

  1. FLOTUS Melania Trump doesn’t complain of hardship over it, either. Such an enormous difference between this FLOTUS, who is sensitive to where the money is coming from versus that other person who lived there as if she was owed something. Another yuge! cost reduction is in the Trump’s not throwing lavish parties to impress all their ‘hood friends and feting the leaders of Mexico and China.

  2. Congress should have done its job and shut down all the waste that was generated by the Obamas in their bloated White House staffs. Mooch mooched more than all the other First Ladies going back to Jackie Kennedy.

  3. It took three fulltime just to shovel out her stall, then the weekly flea baths and unibrow tweezing. Extra custodial staff to vacuum tje furniture. Why do you thing Hussein chose Bo the non shedding dog? Experience.

  4. Melania is a Godsend. She’s has the integrity, dignity and humanity necessary to be a successful FLOTUS. Unlike the First Sasquatch, Mooch whose budget draining rare species habitat required a specialized full time staff. Trips for Mooch must have been a budget nightmare in freight costs alone.

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