Trumpy Bear is Real – IOTW Report

Trumpy Bear is Real

Had I not been told by tipster Quinn that this is a real product I would have thought it was a parody.

The ad rides that line of tongue in cheek and cheesy comedic goodness.

I’d get one, but I’m going to wait until they are in the cut out bin. Fifty dollars is a bit steep.

19 Comments on Trumpy Bear is Real

  1. The bear should also talk:

    “Grab ’em by the pussy!”
    “Cuz you’d be in jail.”
    “I like veterans who were not captured.”
    “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”
    “Blood coming out of her…..wherever.”
    “I didn’t make fun of your looks, and believe me there’s plenty of material there.”

  2. You nailed it, Fur. “The ad rides that line of tongue in cheek and cheesy comedic goodness.”

    BB — Ha! Yeah, Cuban has to “probably” run as a Republican because it may be a little hard for him to explain his capitalism to Bernie supporters.

  3. AA,

    Cuban make a big assumption. He’s not that smart. He’s just that lucky. YAHOOOOOOoooOOO. If he would have bailed out of MicroSolutions about 5 minutes later than he did he’d be sweeping floors for the Mavericks.

  4. “We ought to send one to McRino once he’s in the hospice.”

    We should line his casket with them and show him the picture right before he meets all those sailors he killed.

  5. Where does the commercial state “Made in the USA”? No flag seen. If this product is not made in the USA, it is pure hypocrisy and a slap in the face to discouraged Americans who hoped for Trump’s MAGA.

  6. if you can sell pet rocks you can anything to a gullible American public. This commercial is on quite a bit early in the morning on nearly every cable channel, I should know because my Dad has his damned TV on nearly 24 hrs. a day and I see this commercial far too often early in the morning. If I turn his TV off even if he’s asleep he still manages to turn it on again within a hr. or less. I hate cable TV especially Animal Planet or CNN or any of the other retarded channels he has on in the background.

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