Democrat/Green Party/Prius Driver County Legislator Whines and Fakes Panic Attack Trying To Get Out of a Ticket – IOTW Report

Democrat/Green Party/Prius Driver County Legislator Whines and Fakes Panic Attack Trying To Get Out of a Ticket

Petrus sent me this video and it’s one of my favorites of the year.

The video doesn’t identify the woman, but it dropped enough info that I was able to easily find her. It’s Jennifer Schwartz Berky, a democrat from Kingston, NY.

Before identifying her I would have bet my house that she was a lefty.

Here’s the evidence:

10: Prius

9: Everything is everyone else’s fault

8: Lies to try and avoid responsibility

7: Plays the “I’m a county legislator card”

6: Claims PTSD, fakes a panic attack

5: Pulls the “I don’t feel safe around you officer” card

4: Looks like she fell through a Goodwill box

3. Cat lady hair

2. Says she must move away from the area… I guess because the cops are doing their job

and the number one reason I knew she was a lefty—–

1. She didn’t listen to a friggin thing the officer was saying.

Watch the video and you will thoroughly enjoy how a lefty can turn what should have been a “thank you, officer, ” moment into a nightmare.





56 Comments on Democrat/Green Party/Prius Driver County Legislator Whines and Fakes Panic Attack Trying To Get Out of a Ticket

  1. My favorite comment from a local paper-

    JimmyDean October 26, 2017 at 12:32 am
    Political alliances aside, this is a County Legislator. She’s the one who brought that into it. And now she has to wear it.

    Transparency and integrity in office. Isn’t that what everyone wants? So I absolutely support the release of this video to demonstrate the true nature of this woman.

    In her professional role, she needs to be adept at listening, at analyzing and at negotiating. She clearly has none of those skills. She’d rather talk over others, whine and cry, fake panic attacks, make light of a serious condition like PTSD for her own benefit and then claim she doesn’t feel “safe” when all that fails. There’s clearly no level too low for her to stoop to in order to get what she wants.

    This video shows her for what she is. These are her true colors folks. Spoiled, entitled and unethical.

  2. The Left draws the mentally ill and the permanent adolescents who never grew up.

    It attracts them, then it gives them identity, reinforcement and the illusion of a group purpose.

  3. More dashcams please. Now all we need is the will to act on the information.

    Is Hillary in handcuffs? Is Lerner? obama yet been charged with anything?
    Since a 1992 Law mandated the release all JFK Assassination Files, why were they again redacted?

  4. chalaza Cool Lake Water • a day ago
    I’m sure you’re aware that Ms. Berky is part of, the group that likes to shove cameras in peoples’ faces as an intimidation tactic at public hearings. Sweet, sweet Karma.

  5. OMG, I wish I couldn’t believe that people like her are in our government! What an emotional wreck. No ability to listen to reason or understand common English explanations.
    I am not a bit surprised that she’s a dem.

  6. Very entertaining, but that cop screwed up big time in falsifying (and admitting it on camera) an official police document, namely the bogus seatbelt ticket. You never stop someone for a specific offense then cite them for another totally bogus made up offense. That is why all the song and dance about not giving her a copy of the first ticket. Breaks are given all the time by lowering the cited speed ,”I stopped you for 50 but I’m only citing you for 40″. Yeah, she is a fruitcake, but that cop is in serious trouble over a clear violation of policy, and maybe even committed a crime.

  7. Rich,
    the police have full discretion as to what level of fine they are going to issue, even if it’s not the infraction you supposedly committed.
    What’s the difference if the cop says you were going 20 miles over the speed limit, but says “I’m going say you were doing 10 over”, in terms of not citing for the correct infraction?
    This is all money making for the government.

    The cop technique of lowering the fine on th spot is to get you to be thankful and driving away feeling good even though you still got screwed by a speed trap, or whatever.

    The point is, she created this monster, as a county legislator, and then resents it when pinched, all the while saying she is a politician “for the people.”
    She just doesn’t want to be “one of the people.”

  8. I love ya, BFH, and in no way am I disputing her asshattery, but the police can not make up bogus charges and arrest you for said bogus charges (a citation is technically an arrest but is handled with a promise to appear instead of going to jail) otherwise, we live in a fascist state. Does this make sense to you ,”Yeah, you robbed that bank, but I like you, so I’m just going to cite you for jay walking”? They are allowed certain discretion in traffic infractions, such as giving you a verbal warning or lowering the speed, but they can not change the charge to something totally different, citing you for running a stop sign when you were speeding or citing you for failure to signal when you ran a red light, those are totally different offenses.

  9. Jeebus, she sounds drunk. She’s peeved because she is not Hillary. Hillary would have had him droned. No one but no one gets in the way of Hillary bribing anyone. I’m sure she thought whatever happened to laws are for the little people?

  10. Rich,
    i’m not arguing whether it’s right or wrong, I’m just stating the fact that there exists the legal concept of officer discretion when it comes to traffic infractions.
    The officer in this clip is fully aware he is being recorded and is not at all concerned that he is doing something wrong, because according to policy he is not.

    The goal is twofold-
    Money generation and influencing citizen’s driving habits, and the two are weighed in the field by the officer and the local courts agree with them.

    If you want to take it to a higher court, good luck.

  11. From legal site specializing in traffic violations-

    There are times when a police officer will pull you over and only give you one citation for a non-moving violation. Other times, the officer is being nice and and decides not to give you a ticket for the original reason she pulled you over (like speeding) and decides to only give you a “minor” violation, like a broken tail light. In those instances, the best thing for you to do is say “thank you” and get out of there as quickly as possible and thank your lucky star. You were just given a major break.

    -Nowhere on the site does the legal team say what the officer did was illegal.
    They are given the discretion to bargain down, just like prosecutors do every day with criminals who plea to a different crime so that they avoid a trial.

    It sounds terrible, it sounds wrong, but it’s legal. And I don’t know of anyone who successfully argued that a cop should have given him a ticket for going 130 mph but was let off for a broken taillight, therefore all charges must be dropped.
    And I don’t know of any cop who lost his job because he didn’t give a speeding ticket, he gave a no seatbelt ticket instead.

  12. What is most horrifying is that a worthless, manipulative loony like this has been elected! What is wrong with these people – and all the others, nationwide – that such creatures get elected and reelected, over and over and over?

    Mrs. Enraged and I are 75 and 76 years old respectively and still have accurate memories of recent US history. No wonder the (d)s and the young loathe us and work toward our demise.

  13. That was enjoyable and I loved it when the young policeman asked if he could call her an ambulance. Hey lady–you’re an ambulance and a doofus and evidently dead broke.

  14. BFH, I posted a helpful response to your points presented above, but the site is not showing my post, when I tried to re post it , I get “duplicate post, go back”. Not sure what happened here but my response is not showing on the thread.

  15. I’ll try to cut and past it;

    “The officer in this clip is fully aware he is being recorded and is not at all concerned that he is doing something wrong, because according to policy he is not.”

    The officer looks young to me, new on the job and the very fact that he was reluctant and even refused to provide a copy of the seat belt tag suggests to me that he knew he screwed up. I suspect that once his SGT. reviews the tape, the officer will be reprimanded for falsifying a police document. Citing someone for an offense that the officer knew did not happen is the very definition of falsifying a document.

    “There are times when a police officer will pull you over and only give you one citation for a non-moving violation. Other times, the officer is being nice and and decides not to give you a ticket for the original reason she pulled you over (like speeding) and decides to only give you a “minor” violation, like a broken tail light. In those instances, the best thing for you to do is say “thank you” and get out of there as quickly as possible and thank your lucky star. You were just given a major break.”

    This is all correct but notice that the ultimate charge being cited here did in fact occur, see the difference? Of course you can pull someone over and cite them for a lesser charge as long as that lesser charge, the broken tail light, did in fact exist. What you can not do is pull someone over for a specific infraction, then cite them for a totally different infraction, one that did not exist, and in this instance the officer admitted that yes she was in fact wearing her seat belt.

    “-Nowhere on the site does the legal team say what the officer did was illegal.”

    It would have been helpful if you had included the link, but your above example does not qualify because it provides an avenue for citing a lesser offense, an offense that actually occurred. It does not address instances of just charging someone with a totally fictitious offense, something that is not lawful.

    “And I don’t know of any cop who lost his job because he didn’t give a speeding ticket, he gave a no seatbelt ticket instead.”

    No, I don’t think he will get fired over this but what he did was clearly wrong. Think about it, the stupid bint keeps her trap shut and takes the seat belt ticket. Then gets herself a court date;

    Lady-“Officer, you cited me for not wearing my seat belt, was I in fact wearing my seat belt?”

    Officer-“Yes, mam, you wearing it I just thought it would be easier on you if I did not cite you for the actual charge of speeding but made something up instead”.
    Case dismissed

    Judge- “Did I hear that straight, you pulled her over for a specific infraction but cited her for another different infraction, one that did not even exist?”

    Sorry for derailing the thread, not my intention.

  16. Not a sailboat, a kayak, BUT if this skank won’t OBEY laws, she disqualifies herself from making any.
    If this video gets seen by her constituents and they still vote for her, the entire should be deported to detainment labor camps in storm-wrecked Puerto Rico!

  17. She works 24 hrs a day, she is broke even though she is a county legislator, she drives a Prius, prayed for with the money she saves on fuel, she has PTSD, turns panic attract on and off at will. But the best excuse she had is she doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut.

  18. She is a County Legislator and claims she is broke. Apparently she hasn’t figured out that whole pay for play thingy. However to her credit she didn’t claim native American status.

  19. @Irish. Thanks for the vids, they’re chock full of one liners, especially the closing in her campaign video. “Let’s put women in their place”.

    Cop to Ms. Barky – “I just did. You’re welcome”

  20. A County Legislator that has no connections to get a ticket squashed? I recently got a ticket for “texting while driving” (when I wasn’t) and I had connections to get the ticket killed.
    She should’ve took the seat belt ticket and she could’ve easily beat that in court with the cop’s admission that she was wearing her seatbelt. Judge can’t do anything but dismiss because there’s no ticket for the actual infraction – speeding. She’ a MORON!

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