4th Woman Alleges George H.W. Bush Groped Her – IOTW Report

4th Woman Alleges George H.W. Bush Groped Her

Breitbart: A former Republican state Senate candidate in Maine is the fourth woman to accuse former President George H.W. Bush of groping her.

Amanda Staples told Maine’s Portland Press Herald that the ex-president groped her in 2006 during a photo op at Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport while the two chatted about lowering taxes.  MORE

SNIP:  Even if just one of the women were telling the truth, why didn’t Barbara nip it in the butt  bud after the first time?

29 Comments on 4th Woman Alleges George H.W. Bush Groped Her

  1. Why haven’t any of the people that stood behind the President each time this occurred (and there were more then one each time)come forward? I’m not saying this didn’t happen it just seems funny that with this sudden outpouring of honesty and angst there seem to be no corroboration.

  2. Anyone who has ever had to take care of an aging parent knows that dementia and everything else to cause them to say or do things extremely out of character.

    For some, it’s reverting to childhood or childish behavior. At other times it could be sexually suggestive.

    Its not pretty and it doesn’t excuse anything but I blame the crowd he’s running around with these days.

  3. His family reps apologized and made a statement that he was ‘grabby’ and said that most of it was because his hands were behind the women and because he’s in the wheelchair, his hands ‘slip’ sometimes and blah blah blah.
    Listen. He knows what he’s doing. And since they all knew he had problems with his hands ‘slipping’, why didn’t he just keep them on the arms of the wheelchair or on his lap instead?

    Don’t fall for the ‘old men can’t move their arms’ business, wheelchair or not. There are 70, 80 and 90 year old men at the gym, jogging, playing sports and the rich ones are knocking up mistresses nowadays and none of them can keep a secret. lol.

  4. I remember when old George debated Geraldine Ferrara years ago. After the debate he was chatting with some good ole boys and joked: “kicked a little ass tonight, huh guys.” Next morning on his radio show Don Imus repeated what Bush said and added. That wasn’t a little ass he kicked, it was a BIG ASS. Old George was no choirboy.

  5. Pretty crafty of the old coot to wear those red and white striped socks to make the ladies let their guard down. Just imagine when they have start rolling Biden around. Don’t get trapped on the lap, girls.

  6. This is all starting to remind me of the old Monty Python skit about who was the poorest. “George Bush touched me with his wheelchair.” “Oh well I would have loved it if he had only touched me with his wheelchair, he patted my behind.” “Patted your behind, and you’re upset over that? He grabbed my butt with both hands and did a motorboat.” Etc. Etc. Who is the biggest victim?

  7. Even if just one of the women were telling the truth, why didn’t Barbara nip it in the butt bud after the first time?

    Because maybe the Quaker Oats man likes to watch? 🤔

  8. I don’t know. I mean, at 82 I think I’ll give him a thumbs up. They have to get within his reach for it to happen. It’s not like he chased them down, cornered them and threatened them with losing their job or something.

    For crying out loud, take one step away and you’re safe again.

    Looking for fame and fortune, they are.

  9. No way MSM is fixating on Bush 41 as a distraction from the left’s complete unraveling, clown car style, whether it’s the Hollywood freaks, homos, pedophiles, and rapists or the news readers and democrat politicians.

    Not making excuses, but I question the timing.

  10. I blame Barbara. It happens once, she better run interference in future, to protect her marriage and the Bush brand. It happens twice with her in the room, she’s complicit or a fool –whether it’s her dirty/dotsy hubby’s fault or the fault of some unsuspecting fameseeker / conniving golddigger.
    Oh, and that goes double for the old fart himself, his agent, his security detail, and every man on the payroll and in the family around him. How does this happen more than once if he is a doddering old fool and there are any real men in the room?!

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