FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife – IOTW Report

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort.

Washington Times:

Just how rough special counsel Robert Mueller is playing with Paul Manafort goes back before this week’s indictment — to the FBI’s no-knock raid in July.

It has been reported that the agents checked Mr. Manafort and wife Kathleen for guns as they broke into the Alexandria condo pre-dawn by picking the lock.

A source familiar with the case told The Washington Times the search was even more intrusive: An agent patted down Mrs. Manafort before she was allowed to get out of bed.

“Agents felt up Mrs. Manafort lying in bed to see if she had guns,” the source said of the intimidation.

In all, 12 FBI agents entered the home, guns drawn, and stayed for hours.

The aggressive search of a prone sleepy woman is, the source said, a hallmark of Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann. A former mob prosecutor in New York, he specializes in turning witnesses against bigger prey and is not afraid to make things rough for spouses, too.

“Weissmann will want to maximize the trauma to his family,” said Sidney Powell, a Dallas appeals attorney critical of his tactics.

A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.  read more here

27 Comments on FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife

  1. Were they concerned he was going to flush filing cabinets full of paperwork down the toilet?

    No? Then yes. This was a heavy-handed raid meant to intimidate and potentially kill.

    I keep a handgun and a shotgun within arm’s reach of the bed. Someone kicks in the door and we’re all going to be on the news by the morning show. It might be under a white blanket on a stretcher but it won’t just be me.

  2. The FBI waited for years to even ask for Hillary’s server and e-mails.

    I guess it has to do with who you are if the FBI raids your home and business. Selective harassment, searches and enforcement of the law by a partisan FBI.

  3. “will want to maximize the trauma to his family”

    I have a surprise waiting for them under my sheets.
    I won’t be the one traumatized. the agent will.
    even if it’s a little bent.

    I can feel their pain now.

  4. BFD they manhandled him and his wife. News flash, the FBI will manhandle EVERYBODY they go after, no matter who they are or how high they are in the government, EXCEPT Hillary.

  5. We need a wolf running the DOJ not the weak kneed meek worm chasing misdemeanors. This countries foundation is shaking by the lawlessness. If you don’t put some fear in these scum its over.

  6. I never thought anything like this would happen in my country, but Elian Gonzalez, Waco, the murder of that rancher whose name I can’t remember, and so, so many other things in the last few years are downright frightening. Thanks for nothing, liberals.

  7. I don’t recall reading any similar reports of early morning FBI raids and rough handling of ISIS / Jihadi supporters in this country. Why is that?

    Anyway, last Mark Levin spoke (read a published account) of how Mueller when a prosecutor in Mass used that same side kick and his back of dirty tricks to try to entrap or intimidate people.

  8. Menotu – yes, that’s it. His name just wasn’t coming to me. And there’s lots of other stuff, just too much to remember. All seems to be on Democrat’s watch too.

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