Popsicko – IOTW Report


North Carolina man accused of luring children into ice cream truck and sexually assaulting them.

A man who allegedly used an ice cream truck to lure children in is now in custody, according to Durham police.

Rahmah turned himself in Friday night and is in the Durham County Jail under a $1 million dollar bond.

A Durham mother said she believes Rahmah used an ice cream truck to target low-income neighborhoods to sexually assault children.

The woman, who we’re not identifying to protect her son, lives in Hoover Apartments in Durham. She said on Wednesday her 9-year old son found the courage to tell her what happened to him on October 22.

“The guy in the ice cream truck told him he could get in the van and help him give out ice cream to the kids in the neighborhood,” said the woman, repeating her son’s account. “He unlocked the door and invited my son on. When he got on, he locked the doors back and told him to go stand in the corner, grabbed him by the shoulders.”

She said that’s when her son said the man touched him inappropriately. He told the man to stop and said the man gave him a free ice cream and let him go.

Durham police said they believe the driver of that ice cream truck is 51-year-old Isam Fathee Mohamed Rahmah, of Durham.

They said he used a red ice-cream truck to lure not one, but two boys inside to sexually assault them.

The South Hoover Road assault happened in the 1100 block on October 22 and a second assault happened on October 25, in the 300 block of Junction Road.

The mother of the boy who was assaulted on the 22nd said the ice-cream truck actually came back to the neighborhood this week.

She, her husband and her brother confronted the driver.

“His initial response was ‘no I didn’t do anything, I didn’t do anything’,” recalled the mother, “then it went from ‘I didn’t do anything’ to ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. ‘ ”


Zonga has checked out numerous news reports and hasn’t been able to determine this guy’s legal status.

I’m sure he was imported here by politician’s that think this guy is exactly what this country needs. The quicker we brown the country, the better, because all brown countries are superior to the white ones, as everyone knows.

15 Comments on Popsicko

  1. @ Bob – read that earlier today. Baltimore is a nasty piece of work, and I used to tend bar there. Wouldn’t do it today.

    “The quicker we brown the country, the better, because all brown countries are superior to the white ones, as everyone knows.”
    Lernt that in college dintchya?

  2. Few virgin goats in NC I guess.

    As for Baltimore it’s becoming a no-go not because of Sharia but because of BLM.

    AND YOU CAN’T GET GUN PERMITS there unless you are a Democratic Politician.

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