A Bunch of Obama Flunkies Gave Uranium One The Rubber Stamp – IOTW Report

A Bunch of Obama Flunkies Gave Uranium One The Rubber Stamp

Clinton apologists have been defending the Uranium One deal for weeks now with the claim that the sale of the Canadian firm that controlled 20 percent of our supply of uranium to the Russian ROSATOM organization had to be approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States or CFIUS.

All right then, lets take a look at who sits on this committee. From the U.S. Department of Treasury,

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy

Tell me, if any of these positions aren’t political appointees by the President.  Can the president fire any of these individuals if he so pleases?

With those two questions in mind, lets take a trip back in time to when Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State and the top democrat behind Barack Obama.  Didn’t we ALL know that when Obama finished his 2nd term, Hillary Clinton was going to run for president again?  Now here’s the kicker, assuming  that Hillary would run in 2016 and win (as everyone in Washington did back in 2010) , how many of the people sitting on CFIUS would expect to ever work in a Hillary Clinton administration if they turned her down on the Uranium One deal, after the State Department OK it?

My bet is the members of the committee put their own job security over national security.

Why haven’t they all been subpoenaed to testify before Congress?

12 Comments on A Bunch of Obama Flunkies Gave Uranium One The Rubber Stamp

  1. Why, because they are up to their necks in the cesspool known as “The Swamp”! I challenge anyone to show me one member of congress that places the wellbeing of the USA over their own selfish interests.

  2. Remember the “Russian reset”? It was early 2009 when Hillary had gave the Russian ambassador that stupid misspelled reset button.

    Imagine sitting in the CFIUS meeting, Hillary staring you down, and trying to explain to her and a room fully of Obamabots why you’re refusing to do business with the Russians, when we’re trying to be their friends.

    The Clintons know how to “fix” things to help themselves.

  3. A government committee is just another title for bureaucrats to get more money, push papers around, and do what their political masters tell them to do.

    They outcome is already completed before the committee ever sits down.

  4. TO HAP

    Weird thing is, as far as federal Government work goes, it’s sort of the opposite of everything I’ve (“the little people”) experienced:

    The HIGHER up the chain you go,
    the MORE you look forward to having someone else
    tell you what to do.

  5. They are all incompetent idiots.
    Clinton, to her profit, sold off 20% of the US’s uranium, That includes reserves and future production.
    They were so smart. They should be practicing their smarts in jail.
    In 2016, we had to buy 14% of our uranium needs from Russia. And nothing is done about this. clintons, podesta and Russia got a deal on this.
    What have they done to our country? And why is it allowed to continue?

  6. Atty General Sessions cannot confirm or deny any investigations regarding Uranium One.

    If he did, he would have to recuse himself and appoint another Democrat Attorney who worked for the Clintons to head the investigation.

  7. I’ve been screaming this at every libtard commentator on tv & radio that brings up the ‘9 Agencies signed off on this’ defense …. total crock from jump street

    John Q. Public is an idiot …. & they are counting on it

  8. If we charge them now who will prosecute? We need a prosecutor who can and will destroy the swamp.
    This is not such an easy task and it has to be done properly as failure is no option.

  9. In my view Obama and his Flunkies are the same type of traitorous conspirators Joe McCarthy was looking for. Only this bunch was more successful at completing their mission that Joe’s targets.

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  1. CFIUS Was a Fraud – Pass It On – IOTW Report

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