Contest Winner! – IOTW Report

Contest Winner!

Last night I promised I would tabulate the scores and and whoever came closest to the average would win 10,000 iOTWreport bucks.   See the contest HERE.

Many of you cannot follow simple instructions.  I can imagine your tax returns are disasters and you get audited annually.

Those who actually gave your futility score were all over the place – from +49 (whohooo!) to -50 (bummer…).  Because of that range, the average was actually 9.5.

The closest futility score is……7


Which I think is kind of funny.  Since you were born on Nov. 22, 1744, you are 274 years old, but you feel like a youthful 267 year old.

How do you want your reward?  Will you take it in sixpence?

29 Comments on Contest Winner!

  1. @Jethro: Um, what do you mean, “How do you want your reward? Will you take it in sixpence?”?

    The rules specifically state that the reward would be 10,000 iOTWreport bucks. Since iOTWreport bucks, much like Soviet-era rubles, are not convertible into any other form of currency, that is the only way the prize can be paid out.

    So what was that you were saying about people who cannot follow simple instructions…?


  2. I WON, I WON, I WON!! HOT DAMN!! I won the major award!

    10,000 IOTW bucks!

    (Sorry I was so late claiming my prize! We were over at the UW YAF’s thing — Dinesh D’Souza. So good.)

  3. I don’t know why i didn’t win … just cuz I dint particulate in the cnstest …… i shud get a prize, two …….

    frist Obamo, then that Clinton bitch ……. im alwayz gettin fukt …….

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