Progressives Held Back Progress For Women – IOTW Report

Progressives Held Back Progress For Women

In the winter of 1987 a young black girl was found disoriented inside a garbage bag, nude, with feces smeared on her.

At the hospital, the words KKK, nigger and bitch were discovered written on her body in soot.

In a bizarre twist, Tawana Brawley, said she was gang raped by 3 white men, one of which was Steven Pagones, an assistant district attorney.

Opportunistic black activists swooped in, smelling money and payoffs. Al Sharpton took control. He was adept at shaking down communities to make things go away. But it was obvious from the outset that something wasn’t quite right with Brawley’s story.

We didn’t know it then, but an expert on rapes was in the Brawley camp. Even Bill Cosby walked away after hearing Brawley’s ever-changing stories.

But Sharpton never gave up. He still hasn’t. He isn’t that stupid a man, he was willing to change the landscape for women who have actually been raped in order to cash in. He never did. He was sued by Pagones and lost. Sharpton sycophants picked up the tab.

After Brawley’s case was discovered to be a fraud, claims of rape were looked at with much more suspicion.

The highest profile case after the Brawley incident was the Duke Lacrosse team. Again, the left pounced on the white players and convicted them in the court of public opinion.

That case fell apart. The young men were innocent.

Next was Rolling Stone, which reported a completely fabricated tale of rape by another frat boy. The left went to bat for Rolling Stone. That story fell apart.

Then Mattress Girl accused another innocent man of rape. The left believed her, the story fell apart upon closer scrutiny.

The left elevating these incidents to great heights, only to see them come crashing down, over and over and over again does not serve women’s interests. It damages them.

The “two” in the “one-two punch” in the gut of women’s progress was authored by a seedy lowlife named William Jefferson Clinton.

Nothing damaged women more than a president claiming that jamming a penis into a women’s mouth is not sex, and then having a chorus of barking seals agreeing and clapping.

When Clinton wagged his virtual penis at America and said, “I did not have sex with that woman,” it set the tone for a generation-

-Mouth sex was not sex.

-Women are playthings for powerful men and they can be discarded as trash when things become difficult and threaten their power.

-Powerful men get away with it.

Harvey Weinstein was paying attention.

A generation of degenerates were paying attention.

Thanks progressives. You did a great hit job on women.


9 Comments on Progressives Held Back Progress For Women

  1. Held Back Progress For Women?

    They’ve held back progress for the entire country. Where would blacks be in they weren’t coddled into welfare dependency? How about Detroit? Or the coddled snowflakes? Or illegal-coddling?

    They have the reverse hand of Midas; everything they touch turns to shit.

  2. Watch (and pray): We’ve just started on the road that the global elites and the principalities of the air have planned.

    Evil exits just as surely as God exists and it’s working toward goals that include enslaving the whole human race. I’m not talking conspiracies but the very nature of human destiny and who determines the future.

    What’s next: any method that controls, catalogs, and removes self-determination from you and I, and our families.

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