Moore Mall Ban Story Debunked – IOTW Report

Moore Mall Ban Story Debunked

The former manager of the Gadsden Mall in Alabama has stated that there was no ban of Roy Moore from that shopping center. This refutation comes days after The New Yorker originally ran with the rumor on November 13th which was quickly picked up and spread by others including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

The fact that there are no documents stating that Roy Moore was ever banned from the property was even confirmed by Snopes.


18 Comments on Moore Mall Ban Story Debunked

  1. Well well well, it looks like someone put together a DOSSIER on Roy Moore, and it’s not holding up well.

    It’s amazing how many people in Washington are duped into believing such things.

  2. The irony to me is Leftists — who claim to be far too smart to fall for “Fake News” — are buying these stories hook, line and sinker. And they throw them back at us as if they are fact. The other day, some nudnik commented on my post about Al Franken citing this “banned from a mall” bugaboo as being far more serious than Franken shoving his tongue in a woman’s mouth and groping her breasts on camera.

  3. One thing we won’t see in this sordid fiasco is Miss Lindsey clutching his pearls and having the “vapors” over being caught in a lie; a Southern “lady” simply does not do that in public.

  4. This is definitely not a matter of being duped. This is a mob of swamp creatures doing what they do in order to defend the Swamp. R or D, it matters not. This is the Swamp Uniparty in action. Graham, McCain, McConnell? Golly, where have we seen them acting in concert with the Left before?

    What I do object, strenuously, to is that the “Facts are stubborn things” quote being attributed to President Reagan. With all due respect, it was President John Adams who originated that bit of wisdom. And the quote is never quite accurate. Stated during his defense of the British soldiers in Boston, he said: “”Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

    Roy Moore will win.

  5. AA, Thank you for the correction on facts. Especially these times sources of closed must be absolutely correct.
    and never use that particular quote, that I will be used to with much greater assurance of source.
    thanks again.

  6. It’s also starting to look as if the signature on the yearbook was lifted off that accuser’s divorce papers. There is the usual repulsive deep state bullshit going on around here. Fuck them. I hope Moore gets elected and fucks over McConnell and Graham ever chance he gets.

  7. @Molon Labe — Actually, that’s good advice. The Adams quote comes from one of Ellis’s Adams’ biographies. 🙂 If you read Adams’ closing arguments of the so-called Boston Massacre, it’s not there. He either said it at trial or to the press, I can’t remember which, but it was probably the former.

  8. The following is presented as a public service:
    Since allegations (rather than proof) are all that are required to destroy a political career, I would suggest that a generic form be made readily available on the internet. This would result in a substantial conservation of time and other resources.

    To all mainstream media:

    I do hereby allege, that (name of politician) has a history, going back to (fill in year), of molesting me (and/or my pet). Specifically, on (fill in date(s)) and in (fill in location(s)), I was ( fill in type of molestation ) by (fill in name) while I was (fill in description). I am reporting this after (fill in number) years because (choose: “I can no longer live with this secret”/”it is my civic duty”/”of my religious convictions”).


    (Signature of accuser)


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