Sonic attack in Cuba’s political prisons? – IOTW Report

Sonic attack in Cuba’s political prisons?

American Thinker:

Armando Valladares saw it all in Cuba’s political prisons.  He wrote about it in “Against All Hope,” an international bestseller that should be required reading in any freshman class.

Reinaldo Arenas wrote his story in “Before Night Falls: A Memoir.”

In both cases, they relate the horrors and torture of Castro’s prisons.  I believe everything because their stories are similar to what my father’s late cousin told me and what many other political prisoners have said.

So is anyone surprised that the Castro regime would use “sonic attacks” on prisoners?  I am not surprised at all.

This is a story from The Daily Signal:

A group of Cuban exiles and former political prisoners gathered on Capitol HillWednesday to recount human rights abuses that they and their relatives suffered at the hands of the Fidel Castro regime.

In a hearing organized by Freedom House and the Justice Cuba International Commission, survivors told gripping stories about friends and family who were imprisoned, tortured, and killed for resisting communist rule in Havana.

The tales of two former political prisoners stood out among the heart-wrenching accounts of abuses, if only for their parallels to the strange, unexplained sonic attacks inflicted upon U.S. diplomats in Havana last year.

Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez and Luis Zuniga, anti-Castro dissidents who were sent to hideous regime prisons, said they were repeatedly subjected to “ultra-sonic” torture over more than 20 years in confinement.  “The methodology consisted of placing large loudspeakers around 4 feet high each … at both ends of the hallway of cells,” Zuniga recalled of his experience in 1979. “Then, they were connected to some sort of electronic device that produced high-pitched sounds.”

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5 Comments on Sonic attack in Cuba’s political prisons?

  1. Our Spanish teacher in high school had been a judge in Cuba before Castro came to power. He had known Fidel personally and occasionally would go on diatribes against him and communism. He’d be terminated in today’s public school system.

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