Sir Richard Branson Accused of “Motorboating” Back Up Singer – IOTW Report

Sir Richard Branson Accused of “Motorboating” Back Up Singer

Joss Stone and her band had just performed and Sir Richard Branson was so impressed that he invited them all to join him on his private Island in the Caribbean. Drinks were had and Sir Richard apparently got out of hand when he was drawn to back up singer Antonia Jenae’s ample bosom where he reportedly commenced to “motorboat” the horrified woman.


Sir Richard has no recollection of the incident. Here

ht/ nm

31 Comments on Sir Richard Branson Accused of “Motorboating” Back Up Singer

  1. While I still love watching the lefties (and it’s mostly lefties) take it in the nads, this sort of thing was handled 10 years ago by a slap in the face and a quick verbal warning. Now it’s likely to get a cash settlement. We better figure out quick just what constitutes sexual harrasment and what makes up alcohol fueled boorish behaviour.

  2. He claims he didn’t do it on purpose. He stumbled and fell into her cleavage. As he slid in on the boob sweat he was gasping for air. He was forced to push against her gargantuan areolas to ectricate himself. That being fruitless, in a desperate attempt for salvation he grasped feebly onto her nipples and pulled himself to salvation.

  3. This was the problem with bringing slaves into this Country. There was no telling what they would accuse their new Patrons of. Looks like little miss big boobs needs some dough, but I doubt if Tattoo will ever wave her in again.

  4. Oh man. All these new rules. Motor boating is out?
    What next?

    You can’t motorboat, grope, nuzzle, cuddle, fondle, brush up against, send intimate photos, chicken choke, baloney bop, yodel in the canyon, titty twist, bra snap…

    Is life worth living?

  5. I ain’t gonna bump with no big fat woman. There was a movie, a “fake documentary about a heavy metal band, one line from a song in the movie, was The Bigger the Cushion, the Better the Pushin’. Forgot the title of the film.

  6. Asswagon Branson was on Shark Tank the other day and wet his pants over a Haitian immigrant that was pitching an ideal.
    The guy was smart and worked hard, so no problem.
    The problem was Branson who pointed to this guy and said the USA should open it’s borders completely.
    Sure thing Dick, as soon as you come out from behind your security detail and large gates on your multiple homes and ISLAND that YOU OWN.
    What a rich dumbfuck!

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