Scientists Finally Catch Up With What Most People Call Common Sense – IOTW Report

Scientists Finally Catch Up With What Most People Call Common Sense

Ever walk into a deli and see a few flies? What do you do?

I walk out.

Flies at a restaurant?

See ya.

A fly lands on my food. It is now officially fly food.


Because flies spend most of their time on feces and carcasses. I don’t need them landing on my food, I don’t care how tiny their feet are. Do you know how tiny bacteria that can kill you are? Much smaller than fly feet.

Now scientists are issuing a warning – don’t eat food that flies have landed on.

Thanks Einstein.

If food was scarce I’d roll the dice, that’s why 3rd world countries have disease. Lots of people roll the dice.

No need to do that when most Americans are kinda fat. Do you really need to have more potato salad at the picnic after that friggin’ fly landed in the bowl?

Magic 8 Ball says, “nooooooooooooooo.”


ht/ fdr in hell

46 Comments on Scientists Finally Catch Up With What Most People Call Common Sense

  1. I know, I’ve said it before:
    There are two things that I despise
    One’s politicians, the other’s flies
    One eats shit, the other tells lies
    The more I see politicians,
    The more I like flies.
    ( But I swat flies without hesitation.)

  2. The best diet in the whole world (for me) would to have a house full of flies. LOL! The thought of a fly landing on my food?! I can’t even stand someone else putting their fork in my food — like when they are sizing up something on a community plate and poke around at all the other sized somethings. Ewwww.

  3. Whew. Thank goodness their research didn’t also condemn the 5 Second Rule.

    And who knew or would have guessed a fly that lives in a dairy barn or horse stable has cleaner feet than a fly that lives in the city park?

  4. The green / teal flies are the worst, next to horse flies. One of them gets near me and the whole place needs to be disinfected. The common black fly matters though, so it gets a pass.

  5. Another ‘never’: never eat potato salad at a picnic unless you made it and know it was kept cold! Goes for any mayonnaise based food.

    Actually, I dislike pot luck food. I just never know who washes their hands, to say the least of my worries.

  6. My kid was running around the yard with a butterfly net trying to catch flies for his toad to eat. I was laughing at him, good luck kid you’ll be busy for at least 10 minutes. Nope, 30 seconds later he comes back with the net full of flies, like 50 of them. Astonished I ask, how the hell did you do that, kid? He lets them all out of the net and says, watch this! He leads me to the backyard and proceeds to slam the net on a pile of dog shit, then crimp the net shut with another 50 flies. The second he turned his head to the net it mysteriously disappeared.

  7. Oh the dreaded unrefrigerated mayo.
    My elementary and junior high school was in Pasadena, at the corner of Orange Grove and Colorado. Where the Rose Parade turns. Two brothers from my school found sandwiches under the bleachers, ate them and both died. Been squeamish about mayo ever since. It leaves an impression on a 7th grader. One was one grade older. The other one grade younger.

  8. The flies in restaurants are the least of your worries. Most of the food service employees you can’t see are either third-world immigrants or ex-cons; two demographics that don’t place a high priority on hygiene. Just look at the hepatitis outbreak in San Diego.

  9. I can’t imagine how bad I would feel if I made a bunch of people sick with food poisoning. That would sure ruin a good time. That’s one thing about flies, they don’t have a conscience about things like that.

  10. Vietvet. I once worked renovating the kitchen of a five star restaurant in New York City. I was cutting out high-hat lighting holes in a ceiling over a table. This guy comes by with a tray of bowls and started filling them with cold slaw. The sheet rock dust was falling into the bowls. I said, hey can’t you do this some where else, can’t you see the dust falling into the cold slaw?
    He said Fuck it, don’t worry about it.
    I didn’t. I kept working.

  11. THE reason I rarely frequent restaurants. Floor Spice, Flies, Squat-Low Sauce, Hepatitis X, worms, Rotavirus, Shigella, Salmonella, boogers w/ & w/out nosehairs, saliva, Helicobacter, Staphylococcus, feces, rat feces, roach feces, roach parts and the leftist freakazoid that likes to urinate or jerk off into the hollandaise.

    Then figure 80% of restaurants go out-of-business so that 80% is cutting corners somewhere as it goes tits up. NO THANKS.

  12. Oh thanks @ow. I was just getting ready to go out to eat.

    When I was younger I worked at many a restaurant. They held high standards for cleanliness. Of course that was decades ago.

  13. 🎶 projectile vomit and explosive diarrhea
    🎶 words can’t say how glad I am to see ya
    🎶 do si do and skip to the loo
    🎶 adios amigos, I think I’m through

    Everybody sing!!!

    🎶 Next verse is up to you
    🎼As for now I just gotta poo.

  14. Oh my goodness! If you live in the South, you will have issues with flies.

    As a kid, I cannot tell you how many flies, gnats, etc. went down my throat as I was outside playing.
    If you’re eating at a restaurant, understand that when the door to the restaurant opens, a fly or gnat will come in.

    Nobody ever got sick from potato salad or any other mayonnaise based dish.

    And I’m old with many years of experience

  15. I’m a strong proponent of “eating dirt”. Being consistently exposed to bacteria builds a strong immune system. “Bubble kids” and “purell kids” will always be sickly.

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