Boston Globe: Trump Still Causing Fear Among Immigrants – IOTW Report

Boston Globe: Trump Still Causing Fear Among Immigrants

Breitbart: The Boston Globe is still fearmongering over President Donald Trump’s policy ideas on immigration with another in a series of articles designed to create fear among the nation’s immigrants.

The paper writes of immigrants who claim they fear their neighbors or fear leaving their homes because of Trump’s immigration crackdown.

“The paralyzing dread of deportation that [immigrants feel],” the paper wrote in its November 25 edition, “is multiplied by the thousands here in York—a community that, because of its regional immigration court, is one of the largest hubs of detentions and deportations in Pennsylvania. That same apprehension is multiplied by the millions around the country.”

At issue is the change President Trump made to Barack Obama’s overly lenient deportation policy at the Department of Homeland Security. Despite claims by liberal activists, Trump’s goal is not “mass deportation,” but his policy does once again recognize that being in the country illegally is still a crime. This is unlike Obama’s policy which only maintained that illegal immigrants caught in other lawlessness were to be deported.

“Remember, everybody who is here illegally is subject to removal at any time,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said at the press briefing in February where he explained the president’s policies. “The president wanted to take the shackles off individuals in these agencies and say: ‘You have a mission. There are laws that need to be followed. You should do your mission and follow the law.’” MORE

22 Comments on Boston Globe: Trump Still Causing Fear Among Immigrants

  1. If President Trump is putting the fear of God into musloid terrorists, pat him on the back. President Trump is doing his job. If President Trump is making drug smuggling murderers, like MS-13, have second thoughts, send President Trump a letter thanking him for doing his job.

  2. The Boston newspaper want the American people to feel sorry for the criminal illegal immigrants but isn’t working. This people are very ungrateful and costly to us the taxpayers

  3. Here I’m Maryland we have a ungrateful bit&&h criminal illegal immigrants that is suing us because the bit&&h was stop know she wants the Maryland people money she is a criminal plus was her for 9 years and was told to go home . Because Hussein Obama didn’t didn’t do is job know the Salvador woman wants money

  4. “The paper writes of immigrants who claim they fear their neighbors or fear leaving their homes because of Trump’s immigration crackdown.”

    Given that their neighbors are probably all illegals, they must be worried about snitches using ICE to settle scores. It would be great if that was happening.

  5. Making law breaking criminals afraid sounds like a really good idea to me!

    So once again, lets review reality, shall we?

    Not all immigrants are criminals. But all ILLEGAL immigrants ARE criminals!!!

    Be afraid…be very afraid!

  6. Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.


    If you want more information, then go to uscis dot gov and look up the section on immigration laws. Pay attention to title 8 and The Walter-McCarran immigration act of 1952. You need to know that “admissibility” is the key concept to immigration. It is the determination that an “intending immigrant” can be welcomed into our society and obey our laws.

    Sadly the sanctuary cities and virtue signaling politicians have violated both of these articles with their policies.

    Btw MAJack, I used to live in MA and know that the Globe is a fish wrapper. May they pass on soon.

  7. Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

    Fuck em. They shouldn’t live in fear; they should be TERRIFIED!
    TERRIFIED to the point that they repatriate.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish – take Luis and Jorge with you!

    izlamo delenda est …

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