This is why that fake feminazi site shut down – you can’t top this – IOTW Report

This is why that fake feminazi site shut down – you can’t top this

The following ad is not satire, and it’s why MedusaMagazine shut down.

more at SteadfastandLoyal

ht/ Doc

50 Comments on This is why that fake feminazi site shut down – you can’t top this

  1. Wait, that was real? No fucking way.

    Regardless, this woman has to get with the times. Doesn’t she know that men can give birth and women can have penises according to the new left?

  2. “Psycho feminist logic – women don’t commit sexual harrassment.”

    And yet they do. All the time. It’s their thing to put men down.

    If that ain’t sexual harassment, then there ain’t such a thang.

  3. “Psycho feminist logic – women don’t commit sexual harrassment.”

    Isn’t there a website dedicated to documenting the hundreds of instances of female teachers fired and/or jailed (as long as they’re not too pretty for jail, snork) for just that?

  4. Well how the hell am I to know if your an asset if you are sitting on your ass. So stand up Bitch and go get me a beer and make me a sammich.
    I will be the judge of your ass

  5. Dana,you are not in charge of any thing, well maybe a PTA bake sale. Take a yoga class and have some wine.
    Trophy wives are meant to be seen not heard,
    and when was the last time you scrubbed the kitchen floor.

    And about Bad B’s comment about getting votes with yer titties you know he’s right. That is how you got to where you are today. Now let’s see them sweater puppies.

  6. She could have shortened this embarrassing ad by just saying, ” If you a man you’re guilty!”
    She basically opens the door for every whack job bitter woman to file fake charges against men who tick them off.
    Nice of her to announce the law is nothing but a weapon against men to her.
    No everyone is equal under the law for her.

  7. Sooooo … was the reference to the “open bathrobe” a veiled allusion to Conyers?

    This presages much hand-wringing and ideology humping.
    Out with the old and in with the new?
    Dump Kerensky and elevate Lenin?
    Dump Lenin and elevate Stalin?
    Dump Hindenburg and elevate Hitler?
    Dump Victor-Emmanuel and elevate Mussolini?

    The mysterious “squirrel” scenario could be coming into focus.

    izlamo delenda est …

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