After Conyers Was Rebuffed By Intern He Threatened Her With Murder in a Not So Subtle Way – IOTW Report

After Conyers Was Rebuffed By Intern He Threatened Her With Murder in a Not So Subtle Way


A former intern for outgoing Rep. John Conyers says the Michigan Democrat propositioned her, and when she rebuffed his advances, he brought up a Washington, D.C. intern who had mysteriously disappeared.

Courtney Morse, now 36, told the Washington Post she was a 20-year-old student when she accepted an internship with Conyers’ office. One night, he offered to drive her home, and once they arrived, he “wrapped his hand around hers as it rested in her lap, and told her he was interested in a sexual relationship.”

Morse reports that when she declined, Conyers suddenly brought up a then-unsolved disappearance of federal intern Chandra Levy. At the time, police believed Levy’s disappearance may have been tied to an affair with Democratic Rep. Gary Condit. Condit was ultimately cleared after authorities charged a suspect with the intern’s murder.


With the bona fides this scumbag has I’m surprised he never made it as a democrat senator.

20 Comments on After Conyers Was Rebuffed By Intern He Threatened Her With Murder in a Not So Subtle Way

  1. Yes, Conyers, Franken, and dozens of other Democrat congress critters are serial abusers, but a republican state assemblyman in Texas made an unwanted advance towards a woman, so see BOTH sides are equally to blame.

  2. Were I a hawt (well, at least warmer than room temperature) twink, and I signed up to volunteer in the national NAMBLA office, do you think I might be subjected to offensive pictures of little boys, posing salaciously in their underpants?

  3. I wonder how whatever candidate that the GOP lines up for Conyers district plays this out. While black men may still vote lockstep for whatever Democrat is run by the party, black women may turn against the Dems for covering up Conyers behaviour. If most of the men in the political sex scandals turn out to be Democrats (as certainly seems the case) women (of all colors or creeds) may just turn on the Democrat Party in droves either voting for the GOP candidate providing the party (or better yet Steve Bannon) has searched for and found an honest conservative candidate or by not voting at all. There sure is a club here that the GOP could use to huge advantage if handled correctly.

  4. I thought the illegal was granted a new trial and the prosecutors said they didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute because the jail house snitch changed his story, so they ended up deporting him?

    I half watched/listened to some show a few months ago that said it and that the murder was still unsolved.

  5. Detroit. Let’s find as many huge bulldozers as possible and starting on the Northside, push the entire shithole into Lake Erie. No more Conyers, no more Kwame Kilpatricks, no more gangbangers, no more corrupt city council cretins.

    It’d be a helluva Christmas present to America.

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