MAGA Hats represents FASCISM, NAZISM and punctures snowflakes’ SAFE SPACES – IOTW Report

MAGA Hats represents FASCISM, NAZISM and punctures snowflakes’ SAFE SPACES

Students kicked out of campus coffee shop for wearing MAGA hats, and American flag hats, for “inciting patriotism,” I guess.

18 Comments on MAGA Hats represents FASCISM, NAZISM and punctures snowflakes’ SAFE SPACES

  1. I’m absolutely not a fan of clothing that outs your beliefs, having said that, I wonder just how many of the antifa style shitheads would step up on a big scary long haired hillbilly construction worker?

  2. Zhytamyr; this is a (supposedly) free country. Why can’t I wear clothes that express my beliefs? I have to put up with all kinds of vile tattoos, earrings on men(?), pierced faces, colored hair and an endless list of things that offend me.
    The only thing that should control our looks is our morality and culture. Or the lack of morality and culture we have now.

  3. The irony.

    She employs fascism to combat what she “THINKS” is Fascism. Genius!

    These dumbass indoctrinated dolts don’t even have the common sense to look up the textbook definition of fascism.

    Two word: Miriam Webster.

  4. @a non a moose, you can wear anything you like or do anything you like, it makes me no matter. For myself, I refuse to pay a premium to advertise for the local sportsball team, athletic wear companies, or to share my political beliefs to random people. It’s not that I give a tin crap what some unemployable near child thinks, I look like a Vikings extra wearing carpenter pants – they steer clear of me already.

  5. It is said that laughter is the best medicine. So what these college YFF need to do is wear their MAGA or American flag hats to the kollege koffee shop, and when That Special Snowflake confronts them, laugh at him/her/it, long, loud, and often. When told that they are invading a “safe space”, demand to see the rule or regulation.
    Two things that Libtard Special Snowflakes hate: laughter at themselves (they have no humor, they take themselves WAY too seriously, they are “the elite”, and need to be obeyed NOW), and facts (they have none, they operate on “feewings”).

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