The ‘Man Flu’ Really Does Exist – IOTW Report

The ‘Man Flu’ Really Does Exist

A Canadian researcher has scoured the available studies and come to the conclusion that men really are hit harder by the common cold than women. Turns out men have weaker immune systems when it comes to respiratory viruses.  More

16 Comments on The ‘Man Flu’ Really Does Exist

  1. Sure, men are big babies when they get a cold, but on the flip side, they can laugh off a lot of horrible injuries and still make it to work and now the lawn (real men, not soy boys – they don’t count).
    Women tend to get more exposure to children and their cooties, which may account for our better resistance to them, and like the commercials say, “moms don’t get sick days” even if we do catch cold, SOMEONE has to do the wimmin’s work!

  2. I haven’t had the Flu for many years, I also stopped getting the Shot. I know that as far as I am concerned, My Kid’s or Wife got it first and when they were well I would sometimes get it !

  3. Joe 6 pak : I stopped taking the Shot when Husband and Wife Client’s of mine both got incredibly ill, these are People who Owned the wing of the Hospital they were put in and they got it from.
    They recovered well, yet I was officially never getting near that shot ever again and neither are they !

  4. I never had a flu shot. I let the pediatrician give my daughter a flu shot (I was a new mom, they made me feel like I’d be a BAD mom if I didn’t comply), and my baby got so sick with an upper respiratory thing she ended up in the hospital. Nobody in this house ever got a flu shot again. Kids are generally very healthy & rarely get sick. I am not a fan of the flu shot and there is a part of my mind that thinks they are all tainted in some way or another.

  5. The flu shot, from my understanding, introduces the flu into your system so your body can then build up immunity to it. Yeah, right. Shoot me in the foot so if I ever get shot, my body will know what it feels like. No thanks!

  6. The shot seemed to make me Sick, so that I’d be ready in case I got Sick. Now life just goes on, and the Media tells me when people are Sick ! So I avoid Sick People… Too much Common sense for Libtard reasoning !

  7. There are two other possibilities that I can see.
    One is: the children tend to get sick first, sequentially, and with each child the surviving viruses are the ones that overcame an immune system that dad contributed 50% to, and then mom gets sick and uses medications to soldier on, so that dad finally gets infected by the viruses that also survived them, so what began as the sniffles ends up as a hyper-selected death plague for him. Every damn time.
    Or, two: ceasing all activity whenever you’re sick is adaptive behaviour for men, due to our ancestral environment; a woman who is operating at 75% efficiency can still gather 75% as many roots and berries; a man can’t catch 75% of a woolly rhinoceros, and when you’re under the weather there’s a much greater chance of getting steamrollered, so why even try.

  8. Do Not get the flu shot. My Mother had it, (Swine Flu back in the 70’S) and there isn’t any short version to tell.
    She has recovered they say 90 some percent. We are Lucky to have her.

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