Former Asst. FBI Director Kallstrom: “Something is About To Happen” – IOTW Report

Former Asst. FBI Director Kallstrom: “Something is About To Happen”

Conservative Treehouse: Former Asst. FBI Director James Kallstrom appeared on Fox Business News to discuss the details behind the increasingly transparent 2016 and 2017 Joint FBI and DOJ Counterintelligence Operation to target the candidacy -and block the presidency- of Donald J Trump.

Toward the end of the interview Mr. Kallstrom shares his view, based on current FBI contacts, that FBI insiders (white hats) are on the cusp of removing the cloud of mystery behind all of the obvious politicized shenanigans. When asked about his knowledge of the current morale within the FBI:

…”but I think recent events, that I’m aware of, are going to improve that, because there’s going to be something actually something that’s going to happen; in my view.” … “Well, I think there’s a lot of patriots that have just had it up to here, with what’s going on. And they’re to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been; how they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation; how other things, you know, were done that are so anti what the FBI and United States is all about”…   MORE


25 Comments on Former Asst. FBI Director Kallstrom: “Something is About To Happen”

  1. The question remains do they really want to expose just how bad it really is or do they want to understate the corruption for the “greater good” of the institution? I’ll believe it when I see it.
    Neither Sessions nor Wray seem to be too keen on following this up.

  2. These pending revelations could be a reason that Sessions has been so quiet. Perhaps he has been formulating a air tight case against these deep state operatives. Well, one can hope can’t they.

  3. It has been the long standing, unwritten rule that the elite, their minions and their regulations are exempt from constitutional separation of powers, indictments and prosecution. Numerous examples under Obama.

    Now Kallstrom waves the carrot of equal justice before our very noses.

    Will Kallstrom be another Lucy who promises and promises as Peanuts attempts to kick football?

    Justice appears to be fleeting, always having the carrot jerked away as we are ready to take a bite out of government criminal corruption.

    Where are the phantom “white” hats within the FBI. Do they exist or are they non-existent?

  4. “And by ‘something’ I mean something serious. Something historic. The lieks of which hasn’t been seen in years. Voluntary retirements. Private sector sniping. Even career ending promotions.”

    “And by ‘happen’ I’m talking about hund… let me correct myself, doz… I mean, maybe, a hand… we’re talking the possibility of some fallout, here.”

  5. @cato December 20, 2017 at 8:26 am

    > Where are the phantom “white” hats within the FBI. Do they exist or are they non-existent?

    Goolag “accidental disharge” “tragic fatality” FBI.

    You’ll be shocked.

  6. Is this FBI big happening/exposure or whatever is lurking, in line behind the investigations of Benghazi, Fast and Furious, how about the Las Vegas shooting, or clinton, or obama, or Holder, or Lynch, or the IRS, and VA, and EPA, and congressional malfeasance, or the Iran debacle, or…………?


    I’ve been hearing this phony-baloney nonsense for about 30 years now.

    NO ONE is ever really in trouble in Washington. How many times have you been tricked by this?

  8. “And they’re to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been; how they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation; how other things, you know, were done that are so anti what the FBI and United States is all about”

    Okay, great. THEN what?

  9. Barring a bloody, bloody coup or an all-out guns drawn nationwide meheecan standoff,
    I can’t see any true bringing to justice of the perps (near 50% of the Agencies) who participated in this.

  10. *eye roll* How long have we heard shit like this?

    I’ll be ecstatic if it happens, but until then, STFU about the 3-D chess top secret games you are playing. I used to do that when Mom asked me if I got my homework done; “Oh, I’m working on a really big project, Mom. Just wait!” Then I cram the night before it’s due and turn in a piece of crap.

    That’s all you got – a piece of crap. Prove me wrong. Please.

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