Will Chappaquiddick Accurately Portray Ted Kennedy For the S-BAg He Was? – IOTW Report

Will Chappaquiddick Accurately Portray Ted Kennedy For the S-BAg He Was?

The trailer seems promising. Seems.

HT/ All too much

19 Comments on Will Chappaquiddick Accurately Portray Ted Kennedy For the S-BAg He Was?

  1. If they stay with the truth America may have a different opinion of the “Lion of the Senate”. Of course this assumes they don’t tank it in editing or limit the release. I’ll bet though when they put together the trailer there was a lot of squealing going on.

  2. I hope that it gets wide release and that it puts nails into the coffin of any future Kennedys wrecking this country.

    ALL the Kennedys were garbage; the worst being Joseph P. Kennedy — our US ambassador to England during the 1930’s and a total Nazi sympathizer and Hitler admirer.

  3. Don’t forget his damage to education. When Bush Jr. took office there was great hope he could make great changes, and his VP’s wife, Lynne Cheney was a well-known activist for ed reform. Instead, Bush was suckered in by Teddy and we got the mess that was No Child Left Behind.

  4. Here’s how I’d write it:
    [scene: Ted on his yacht with a drink in his hand. Looks out at the ocean, eyes squinting] “I’ve uhh…done some hurtful things to the people in my family, that I love, and I uhhh, my friends,too… but I believe I learned lessons from that… helped me value humanity…the people of my country. And I have no shame for that.” [turns around to face lawyer] “How’s that bullshit sound to you? Will they buy it?” [both laugh]

  5. Bridge height was less than 14 feet and Ted got out unscathed. This means that while he went to the hotel for a good sleep, she was frantically clawing and kicking for escape. If an air pocket was present she could have lasted another 15 minutes…even if he could find no help, seeing a devastated man sitting on the bridge at the site would have said something positive…Ted, instead, took a shower to remove the salt water and took a nap…The Left voted for him anyway and it indicates as much as anything, say Hillary, that the Left is devoid of morality, is without empathy and is the fear in our psyche that the dead walk the earth in a sociopathic swath ruining all good things..

  6. We shall see, I suppose. I’m not gonna hold my breath. They’ll make it into a ‘she would’ve gladly let him get away with it, he did so much good…Blah, blah, and, he was galvanized to do good through this guilt and remorse but had to go on, horseshit, horseshit.’


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