Trump’s Approval Rating is Remarkably High Considering the Media’s Efforts To Make It the Lowest Ever – IOTW Report

Trump’s Approval Rating is Remarkably High Considering the Media’s Efforts To Make It the Lowest Ever

There was a line in a TV show I watch, Impractical Jokers, where one of the Jokers chides another pot-bellied cast member for eating so much. He, meanly, lists what he witnessed the other guy gorging that morning, and, to be honest, it was a lot.

Then he quips, “you know, you’re remarkably thin for the amount you eat.”

Another Joker says, “you’re like the Kate Moss of fat people.”

That’s how I feel about Trump.

He’s remarkably popular for the amount of negative press he receives on a daily basis. The latest poll that the media is reporting is a 45% approval rating. Adjusted for the daily barrage of media pig-piling and brainwashing, Trump is doing amazing.

His poll numbers should be at 11%.

The press likes to point out that Obama’s first year approval rating is much higher than Trump’s. Why wouldn’t it have been when the press’s most hard hitting question for Obama in his first year went a little something like this, “is it difficult to be so friggn’ cool? And can I tongue bathe your anus?”

Keep in mind, also, that the same pollsters had Hillary winning the election in a landslide. Trump had a 5% chance at winning, 0% according to #NeverTrump PROGnosticators.

You’re doing great Mr. President. Give us some more of what the morons are disapproving of in 2018.

10 Comments on Trump’s Approval Rating is Remarkably High Considering the Media’s Efforts To Make It the Lowest Ever

  1. “The press likes to point out that Obama’s first year approval rating is much higher than Trump’s.”

    Obama had the exact same approval rating as Trump has at the end of his first year. Even with the media’s lips clamped firmly around his Vienna Sausage.

  2. “Trump’s poll number are low!!” Blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter at all. What matters is who will the dems put up against him in 2020? They have nobody. If Donald Trump isn’t a two term president it’s because he gets tired of it and retires and in that case Pence will be our next pres.

  3. Two things that mean NOTHING to me are the MSM and Polls. Polls are just another corrupt, progressive, tool of the left to spread their BS. You can tell more about a person based on how much leftist slander they receive than by any poll or report from the networks.

  4. I can’t watch the news for more than 10 seconds because it will be something nasty about Trump, usually over something trivial. I despise the press because they’re a bunch of soros lackeys. Never a bad word about hillary, mueller, obamma or illegal, blm, muslims or any of their other protected groups. They’re cons. All of them.

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