Franken Gone – IOTW Report

Franken Gone

26 Comments on Franken Gone

  1. The Democrats can’t blame the Republicans for this one- it’s all on them. But I’m wondering if they wanted Franken gone since their support for him was lukewarm at best, and Franken didn’t seem to be in a big hurry to resign yet they appointed a replacement fairly quickly.

  2. Well, color me shocked.
    I didn’t think he had the moral fiber to resign.

    Somehow, Soros y Cia, will bail him out – and he’ll end up with a chair at Goldman-Sachs (or something akin) – maybe Trustee of the Clinton Cartel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Never should have been there in the first place. Lying liar and cheater that he is.

    Votes “found” in car trunks should be automatically disqualified.

    A lot of Dems would have never held a seat if that were so.

  4. Uncle Al January 3, 2018 at 11:09 am

    Good riddance to the botfly larva of the Senate.

    (WARNING: video not suitable for the squeamish)

    That didn’t bother me, but the hole that sucker left did!

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