Migrant Spits on Germany, Taunts, “What are you gonna do?” – IOTW Report

Migrant Spits on Germany, Taunts, “What are you gonna do?”

9 Comments on Migrant Spits on Germany, Taunts, “What are you gonna do?”

  1. what will it take for Germany to recognize that Merkel & her ilk are actively participating in the demise of Germany & The West?

    what will it take for the US to recognize that the DemonRats, the Globalists Republicans & their ilk are actively participating in the demise of the US & The West?

  2. Every time someone on the left does KLAN MONGERING I think to myself, “How in the world is the powerless KKK a bigger threat than these other well-funded and organized groups who want me dead?”

    Someone explain this to me.

  3. I keep hearing so much about Klansmen, Nazis and White Supremacists, but I have yet to meet one in my entire 65 year old life! When are they going to march down Martin Luther King Blvd so that the world may see them? The point is I know they’re out there, but they’re insignificant!

  4. @Mr. Fink, well, have know klan members, growing up some friends fathers were members, later these sons became members.
    The one commonality of these men, every one was a yellow dog Democrat.
    My family were Republican and scorned in some places.

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