Old -> Abortion New -> Infanticide – IOTW Report

Old -> Abortion New -> Infanticide

I’d like to think this doughy dope is just trolling, but sadly he isn’t. His support for infanticide is straight out of Marxist population control theory.

This is why the voting age should be raised to 26.Β Too many students have no skin in the game, pay few taxes, have no families, own no property, have no game plan other than to avoid life by playing theoretical games with their Marxist professors in their safe spaces.

Yet, these know-nothings get to shape society.

It’s ludicrous.

HT/ Mighty Mojo

22 Comments on Old -> Abortion New -> Infanticide

  1. Let’s take that argument to it’s logical conclusion: any person that does not add current net value to the society can be legally euthanized. Look at the base supporting the left and then get back at me whether you still support that line of argument fatty.

  2. The ability to communicate is a terrible argument

    πŸ”΄ Animals can’t speak, are they sentient?
    πŸ”΄ Are those in a COMA?
    πŸ”΄ The elderly?
    πŸ”΄ The disabled?
    πŸ”΄ People severely drunk or SLEEPING?

    We don’t desecrate humans in their earliest stages, their communicative stages, elderly, and even when they are in the ground we reserve a large amount of respect to them.

    This guy clearly is a BOZO who thinks too highly of himself, and no doubt has many ridiculous escape hatches when he is cornered by reality. I.E. “RAAAACIST!”

  3. Hey Charlie, I propose only property owners who have paid off their mortgages and have no outstanding debt,
    have no dui’s or traffic tickets, prepay their taxes, vote only republican, own only Ford’s no Chevys, have only cats as pets no dogs, have only Apple iphones be allowed to vote.

  4. 20 years ago I told my wife that the (then current) line by pro-choicers “life begins at birth” would be replaced someday with the line “meaningful lives begin at five.” I was kidding at the time, but sadly I think we are headed for that day.

  5. Folks, this is what pure evil looks and sounds like. Make no mistake, this boy is not think or reasoning, he is parroting what he heard from some morally degenerate science fiction writer.

  6. Fancies himself an up and coming Josef Mengele. And yes, I am 100% serious in that assessment. He will never have the influence and power that Mengele had, because he just isn’t near as smart as his prog teachers and parents have told him all along that he is, but he thinks himself the very epitome of erudite. Truth be known the guy is a shallow fucking idiot who subscribes to a wicked and evil worldview.

  7. If we’re going to actually improve the functioning of government by changing who votes on it, we need to allow only expert opinions. Like government employees. Who better to know what needs to be done?

  8. This “guy” looks like a candidate for transsexualism and the bastard son I would have had with the first girl I dated (if we had had sex and she got pregnant). It wasn’t a good idea then and it certainly isn’t now…wait what about the sperm bank…oops!

  9. One of the biggest problems with these abortion promoters is they are never, never ever, willing to late term abort themselves. At least I’ve never heard of one doing it. They must be shaky in their commitment to the idea. At least for the reasons they claim are the benefits to society.

  10. There are a lot of college educated snowflakes who can’t communucate. If they didn’t have talking points, they’d be lost. Shall we abort them? That might be a good thing.

  11. Does a 2 year old not smile and laugh when someone who loves him is near? Sentient is indicative of an ability to respond to another being; language is but one method of doing so and infants within a few months are responding to their Mother at least. This guy just loves the word sentient, I personally like the word – idiot!

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