Leftists Continue To Compare Apples to Oranges with “Gender Pay Gap” – IOTW Report

Leftists Continue To Compare Apples to Oranges with “Gender Pay Gap”

Senator Bernie Sanders (Idiot – Vermont) continues to rebleat the same lie over and over again, fooling his dumbbell sycophants into believing that women are paid less than men. It’s been illegal in this country since 1963.

You can’t take all the revenue women make and compare it to all the revenue men make and declare a crisis if the numbers don’t match.

All you can do is make an apples to apples comparison. Does a female rookie police officer, with the same job description, in Des Moines make the same as a male rookie police officer? Yes.

How does Sanders propose to level the playing field if we’re comparing apples to oranges?

Now we have this tweet about Iceland.

Guy’s an imbecile. No wonder he’s a leftist God.

HT/ https://twitter.com/Fritz757

11 Comments on Leftists Continue To Compare Apples to Oranges with “Gender Pay Gap”

  1. There are a lot of jobs that are held primarily by men because they involve intensely physical work and are dangerous. Of course those particular jobs should pay better than less demanding jobs that don’t eventually wear out the bodies of the workers. Lots of men retire from certain jobs because doing said job for years takes a toll and their backs or knees or whatever can no longer handle it.
    The “women make less bla bla bla” crowd fail to take into account the types of jobs people have. Big Fur Hat is right, equal pay for EQUAL work IS already a thing here.
    And they also neglect to account for women who choose to stay home with their children – and the fact that to many of us and our families, the reduction of income is worth it to have moms be home for their kids. My husband works himself ragged so I can be home with the kids. Sure, we struggle, but I get to homeschool my kids and keep leftism’s grubby mitts off of my children’s brains.

  2. Well, if the whites made the same amount as other people who claim ethnic diversity, funding for the ethnic diverse would dry up awful quick. No?

    If an apple had to give an orange 20 cents because the apple had 40 cents more than the orange, where would that 20 cents come from if the apple made the same amount as the orange?

  3. Why don’t they compare Apples to Oranges when it comes to determining your gender – and that you can’t change an apple into an orange no matter how much you dress it up and try. No consistency.

  4. Since this has to be summed across all incomes, and then divided by the number of recipients in each group, the “fact” that after government seizures from “white” “men” are transferred to “not white” “not men” — less a shipping and handling fee, of course — leaves less than two-thirds down to just over one-half the starting values, means those government shipping and handling fees most be disgraceful, indeed. Maybe you should get right on that, Bernie.

  5. So, women who took off to have children and only have been trained to do secretarial jobs are to be paid the same as make engineers?
    I’ve worked in offices where the bulk of women were paralegals and secretaries, but we also had some of the highest paid attorneys, including supervisors, were women.

  6. Berni’s socialism is about victims, Bernie is always talking about victims. According to Bernie 5 men own 99% of the wealth, of the world, and he wants to distribute it to victims.

    He’ll probably run again but this time, from the nursing home.

  7. Identity politics is bullshit. It’s designed to marginalize voting blocks that tend to vote conservative or nationalist, i.e. men, whites, Christians, straight people, etc.

    As far as gender inequality goes, any inequality that either benefits women or hurts men is completely ignored while any inequality that even appears to be in men’s favor without looking into details is immediately presumed to be sexist. It’s all about political power and votes and has very little to do with improving the lives of average women. It’s more about isolating women from men; so they’ll look to asshole progressive politicians and their asshole community organizer vermin to take the role of a patriarch in their pathetic lives.

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