Spit Take – Wine Made From Wine Tasting Spittoon Dregs – IOTW Report

Spit Take – Wine Made From Wine Tasting Spittoon Dregs


“I hate waste, absolutely hate waste,” the distiller told Helen Shield on ABC Radio Hobart. “That bucket in the middle of the room with all the dregs of the wine and everyone’s spit in it, that’s a waste, that’s going to get tipped down the drain. I said ‘If I took that [spit bucket] home and distilled it and brought it back next year, who would drink it?’ and I think everybody’s hands went up.”

Bignell then arranged with the organizers of Rootstock to collect the wine dregs after the conference, with the aim to distill it. “We got 500 liters of wine,” Bignell told ABC Radio Hobart. “There were bits of bickies and cheese and the odd bit of beer in there.”

Rather than ship the 500 liters of spittoons back to his distillery in Tasmania, Bignell found the nearest distillery to the event and used their equipment to process the dregs. Twelve months later, Bignell had transformed the spit bucket wine into an 80-proof clear spirit called Kissing A Stranger, with a taste comparable to unaged brandy. He brought most of the beverage to the 2017 Rootstock festival, last November, but also left some to age.


ht/ /not my real name

19 Comments on Spit Take – Wine Made From Wine Tasting Spittoon Dregs

  1. Reminds me of the old west bar joke about a the tough guy harrassing the town drunk.
    He told the bum he’d give him a dollar coin if he would take a sip out of the spittoon.
    The bum agreed, picked up the spittoon, then proceeded to drink the whole thing!
    The grossed-out tough guy said: “Hey, I never said you had to drink the whole thing! What’s wrong with you?”
    The bum said: “I couldn’t help it. It was all connected”

  2. Brilliant.
    Wouldn’t it make more sense to recycle spit-ethanol into vehicle fuel and reserve all that gloriously pure corn from the American Midwest for human consumption?

  3. I hate to be the voice of rationality here, but y’all do realize that wine and beer are nothing more than the strained liquid portion of rotting fruits and grains, right?

    If you’re drinking beer or wine, you’re drinking the excrement of yeast and bacteria.

    Sure, this distilled spit idea is gross, but let’s be real here. You eat and drink plenty of gross things every day.

    Cheese is rotten milk.

    Mushrooms grow in shit.

    Hot dogs, sausages, the ground beef in your burger? What part of the animal do you think that meat comes from? Those “edible” sausage casings? You do know they’re intestine, which means you’re eating a tube that used to be quite literally full of shit.

    Hell, even the “good” cuts of meat – you’re eating a dismembered corpse.

    Gross is relative.

    Happy eating!

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