Kate Steinle’s Killer Skates With Time Served – IOTW Report

Kate Steinle’s Killer Skates With Time Served


At trial, defense attorneys conceded that Garcia Zarate fired the shot that killed Steinle, but asserted that he had accidentally discharged the pistol, which he found under a bench on the San Francisco pier.

That argument swayed the jury, which acquitted Garcia Zarate of murder, manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon.


ht/ annie

22 Comments on Kate Steinle’s Killer Skates With Time Served

  1. Why don’t we just drop the pretense and call it what it is– WAR. They are NOT immigrants, they are an invading army. Then we, as citizens and members of our national militia can finally fulfill our constitutional duty to protect our country from all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. Let the CHIT fall where it may.


    Citizens get juries, our system doesn’t apply to illegals.

    Judge or Judges hear cases and decide.

    What difference does it make if it was an accidental killing or not? Most people are charge with manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter, not let off.

    Remember in Europe, a recent rapefugee was also let off for murdering a local because they said, “He didn’t realize that if he pulled the trigger, and bullet would come out.”

    Total crap.

  3. If they don’t deport him, what are the odds that he commits another crime? Got a hunch he isn’t going to suddenly turn his life around on this one.

    Secondly, the hypocrisy of the Left on not being able to use Kate’s name. We have to endure their mantras of “Say Their Name” at any mass rally involving the death of an “allegedly oppressed” person, e.g. Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, etc……

    “He who controls the language controls the masses”. – Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals

    Trump needs to the Southern Californian section of our wall to Kate Steinle. In fact, we should dedicate sections of the border wall to those who have died at the hands of illegals with a plaque, in multiple languages, so that people know why they can’t just come as they please, and why we are keeping them out.

  4. This injustice is a battle cry. This young lady must not have died in vain. It could be the daughter or son of any of us. The left pisses on the graves of the innocent in return for power.

  5. “Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord.”

    This POS will pay eternally for his crimes. Of course, if something were to happen to him to speed this along, I would not shed a tear.

  6. He had merely found the murder weapon and he was on his way to a local police station to trade the gun in for a $100 bounty when he tripped while avoiding an endangered sea turtle causing the weapon to discharge. …

  7. I’ve given this some more thought. The jurors who acquitted this POS are all culpable and equally heinous. I served on a trial with honor, so I know that they are scum.

    I can only hope that someone they love dies at the hands of an illegal alien.

  8. There is no justification for taking the ” law into one’s own hands ” nor for summary action as ” prosecutor, jury and executioner “.
    But, when government refuses to protect it’s people and even shields the enemies of the people,
    is VIGILANCE unjustified ?

  9. A junkie illegal alien hobo murderer has more value to the political class than a productive citizen. This is because they are sure that we won’t hang them from lamp posts when they do this crap.

  10. With that absurd verdict, Kate Steinle became an official martyr in the war on communism. Kate Steinle will not be forgotten. Kate Steinle will be a rally cry to retake the Republic.

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