BUMPED – Don Jr. *CAUGHT* on tape wearing a sombrero!!!!!! – IOTW Report

BUMPED – Don Jr. *CAUGHT* on tape wearing a sombrero!!!!!!

We’re bumping this post with a Fudgie the Whale update. This is for our pal Reboot, who asked, “what the hell is a Fudgie the Whale?”

This is the Daily Fail, the execrable DAILY FAIL.

These clowns continual to write the worst, illogical, factually incorrect garbage truck juice in the media. FAR WORSE THAN CNN, if you can fathom that.

I won’t link, I will attribute their idiotic words-

Daily Mail- Olé Eric! Birthday boy Trump filmed wearing a SOMBRERO at his Mexican-themed 34th party – despite his father branding countrymen ‘rapists’ and calling for a border wall

President Donald Trump’s son Eric was caught on camera wearing a sombrero at his birthday celebration – a sign of cultural appropriation, especially following his father’s less-than-flattering remarks about Mexican people during his presidential campaign.  Trump was taped at a restaurant in Westchester County, New York blowing out the candles on his Fudgie the Whale cake for his 34th birthday. Guests included his wife Lara, his brother, Don Jr., and a group of friends.

NO STUPIDS, Trump said Mexico is not sending us their best and brightest, and border jumpers have bad people in the mix. As a sovereign country. we have the right to pick an choose who gets the privilege to become Americans.


Also, isn’t it somehow hurtful to the whales that he has an ice cream cake shaped like a whale? It’s aquatic appropriation, no?

The Daily Crap doubles down on their idiocy-

The sombreros were accompanied by a group of musicians around the table singing Mexican tunes – an interesting choice of atmosphere for a member of the Trump family, given Donald’s remarks.

Well, obviously, dumbbells, the Trumps have no problem with Mexicans if they chose to celebrate a birthday in a Mexican restaurant with Mexican musicians playing Mexican songs.

I don’t think Imperial Grand Dragon, whoever that is,  goes to the local soul-food restaurant to be serenaded by black musicians playing black music on his birthday, you dumb bastids.

When asked about feeling awkward serving the party given the president’s comments, a staffer said: ‘We have to take care of him as a regular customer.’

Let me rephrase this correctly-

In a desperate attempt to stir up trouble and make things awkward for the Trumps, the media asked a stupid question of a business owner that refused to cut his own throat based on a false narrative by FAKE NEWSmeisters.

Donald Jr. CAUGHT on tape despite his obvious efforts to keep from being seen wearing a sombrero.

22 Comments on BUMPED – Don Jr. *CAUGHT* on tape wearing a sombrero!!!!!!

  1. Me eat chin-nee and mexicane and eye-talean and germanese and sometimes even Yapanese.

    Me favorite is American – meatloaf and augratin potatoes!

    So what does that say about my cultural approbation?

  2. Meatloaf and augratin taters, oh hell yeah, n buttered bread.

    Only thing better is tater tot casserole. Also known as a pan of “FUCK yeah!” With the right amount of love In it.

  3. According to the left You cannot eat or act outside your racial lane.
    The Scottish are doomed to eating Haggis.
    Only Kentuckians can drink Jack Daniels.
    Hawaiians can no longer hog all the Spam in the world
    Only Mexican children can take a whack at a Pinata
    Only the Irish will be allowed inside McDonald’s

  4. Oh, thank the good Lord, it wasn’t one of those Russian fur hats like George had in Seinfeld! The MSM would have ridden that Russian collusion ‘evidence’ to their grave.

  5. Third Twin
    You’re right! I apologize
    Lazlo only drinks Tullamore Dew Irish whiskey, and am uneducated about the other types.
    I tried a bottle of expensive bourbon once. Tasted like peat moss.
    I guess that was a good thing, because the guy that poured kept going on about it.

  6. A classic example of why I avoid Mexican restaurants (and some seafood restaurants) on my birthday; some smartass in the family (there are many) always tells the staff, with the resulting humiliation. Apparently the DM staff has never been to an american restaurant (or has no friends).

  7. We took our dad to a Mexican restaurant (El Presidente, in So Cal) and it’s customary for the waiters to come sing ‘happy birthday’ to you, but in the worst possible accent. Even the dudes who only speak English were doing it. lol. So, instead of using your name, they call you Panchito or Panchita.
    My dad was in tears from laughter. We still call each other on birthdays and say, “Happa birsday, Panchito/Panchita!!!”

    So you know what? Fuck you, Daily Fail. You will never take our happy.
    Damn, I am jonesing a Chimichanga right now.

  8. They don’t make bourbon in Tennessee, they make some swill called Lincoln County process.
    Jack and Coke, sounds about right, need the Coke to cover the taste.

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