Why Do RACIST Democrats Want To Impede the Minority Advancements Made by The Trump Administration? – IOTW Report

Why Do RACIST Democrats Want To Impede the Minority Advancements Made by The Trump Administration?

Trump keeps his promise: Blacks and Hispanics do better with him than Obama.

The U.S. Labor Department reported Friday that the unemployment rate for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in December – the lowest rate since recordkeeping began in 1972. That’s an astounding drop from the 8.3 percent black unemployment rate in October 2016, just before Donald Trump was elected president.

Asian-Americans, the demographic group that typically has the lowest unemployment rate, enjoyed a 2.5 percent unemployment rate in December – the lowest figure since 2006.

The overall U.S. unemployment rate in December was 4.1 percent, matching the lowest level in 17 years – down from 4.9 percent in October 2016.

In addition to putting more Americans to work, President Trump’s economic and job-creation policies are creating once-in-a-lifetime economic opportunities.

8 Comments on Why Do RACIST Democrats Want To Impede the Minority Advancements Made by The Trump Administration?

  1. The Dems are terrified that the black voters that have consistantly pulled the lever for them will wake up and realize they have been enslaved for decades by the party and their field bosses Sharpton, Jackson, BLM and all the others enriching themselves by bleeding their fellow black Americans. If they lose them they lose it all. The danger is there as well as hispanic Americans who see a fall in their unemployment and wonder how much more it would fall, how much their wages would increase if those hispanics that illegally settled here would leave and a wall was erected to prevent more illegals from entering. Trump needs to really stress both these examples of his non-racist economic policies for the coming election as should all the GOP candidates.

  2. Bingo, y’all.

    The Democrat Party is scared shitless that black voters will vote with their wallets and leave the Democrat Party in a mass exodus away from the slavery & exploitation of the Democrat Party’s economic plantation.

    That may may be why the Democrat Party is pushing so hard for mass illegal immigration & legal immigration, in order to drum up a new herd of Useful Idiots. It explains why the Democrat Party fights against Voter ID, pushes for multi-culturalism not assimilation, fights against English As The Official Language, etc.

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