Ivanka Gushes Over Oprah – IOTW Report

Ivanka Gushes Over Oprah


Ivanka Trump was met with a wave of criticism after she tweeted in support of Oprah Winfrey’s speech at the Golden Globe Awards and the Times Up movement, speaking out against sexual harassment.

Winfrey gave the speech as she accepted the Cecil B DeMille Award and although she did not mention the names of any men specifically, she invoked the civil rights movement to talk about the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations.

Ms Trump took to Twitter to praise Winfrey describing it as “inspiring” and called on people to “come together… and say #TIMESUP!”

The President has strongly denied all the claims of sexual harassment or assault and was even telling people in November last year that the Access Hollywood recording might be fake, according to reports.


She’s Megan McCaining.

Soon I’ll be writing her off altogether as nothing but a total impediment to her father.

43 Comments on Ivanka Gushes Over Oprah

  1. Maybe its like the “Hitlery Stategy” where they pushed secretly for Trump in the primary because he was supposedly the most easily beatable candidate in the general. Of course, the were bigly wrong…

  2. From the moment she sat in for Daddy at the G20 a few months ago, Daddy needs to put her in her place or send her back to NYC. Irritating to see her in the Oval or at signing ceremonies.

  3. I think it just goes to show that there is no being nice to these people. There is no middle ground. It’s their way or the highway, and if you try to agree with them on anything, they will just beat you into the ground. They are only interested in a pyrrhic victory.

  4. So, excluding Trump himself, who else is pushing the MAGA agenda in his administration?

    Bannon’s comments about her were probably what made Trump get so personal with him. She is your prototypical know nothing lib, as seen above, and Bannon was the “no sense in trying to make peace with these people don’t bother trying”.

    So, in the spirit of bipartisanship, let’s legalize 35 year old Dreamers with criminal records so we can get the measly dollars already authorized to build the wall that has also already been passed.

  5. Because of Opah no fat white guys will get laid by hot young chicks anymore, pissed bigley in hollywierd.

    Kind of reminds me of a great one from my dad.

    “If I were an Indian I would be pissed, all the men had to do was fight, hunt, and f—k. Women walked behind the horse and did all the work. The white man came and tried to improve on that.”

  6. Of course she’s being nice to Oprah. Throwing shade only helps Harpo.

    Let them talk up Harpo all they want. I guarantee that the Bernie Brigade will be having absolutely NONE of it come primary season.

  7. Soon I’ll be writing her off altogether as nothing but a total impediment to her father.

    Now that’s for reals reals misogyny. Princess princessing makes it her fault that daddy does (even more) stupid stupid things.

  8. @Frank January 9, 2018 at 8:31 am

    Yer dad just earned another beer.

    (I’d offer a prayer, as well, but… well… I don’t wanna git him in anymore trouble with somebodys’ androgynous G?d.)

  9. If anyone brings up Oprah’s speech in conversation – because I certainly won’t – I will ask what specifically they liked about it. I guarantee you they will have nothing. I listened to the entire speech. It was just 0bama’s racial whining about stuff that Democrats did to the blacks decades ago and longer, mixed with feel-good feminist ’empowerment’ that masked the reality of Oprah’s support of men who were the sexual aggressors, particularly Weinstein. There was nothing moving in there apart from the tone of the speech, which anyone can copy.

  10. I can’t stand Ivanka bashing. Why do we always do this to one of our own?

    Seriously. Get past the palace intrigue junk “news” that is promulgated by the Left. Other than the snippets of rumors, and odious, slanted reporting, what can we say we truly know about anything regarding Ivanka?

    I just looked, again, at what she tweeted. Gushing? Says who? I didn’t read “gushing” in there anywhere. As far as I can tell, she’s got a lot of her daddy in her personality. All she’s doing is wisely recognizing a cultural icon (to many Americans), praising her for being inspiring (which she is to many Americans) and deftly using her to promote the idea that women AND MEN should unite together to stop sexual harassment. Nothing wrong with that. And how can Oprah argue with women AND MEN uniting for a cause without looking like a loon? Looks to me like Ivanka just turned what could have been a feminista feeding frenzy into something that could win the hearts and minds of people who will find other things to like about “that Trump administration.”

  11. …and here’s something else: It’s the old saying, “Love me, love my dog.” When the Left goes after a conservative icon it doesn’t stop with the icon, the message is meant to attack anyone who admires the icon, too. POTUS Trump is a master at going after a Leftie icon (CNN, for example) without making all CNN watchers feel stupid for watching them. That’s how you win the hearts and minds of the people who matter, not by calling them idiots-by-association. He makes common cause with ideological opponents (voters), fixing the blame not with them, but with the bad info providers (CNN, for example).

  12. Cato — It’s true, Oprah is a complete racist. She is utterly brainwashed. I think she still takes credit for getting obama elected. I like that Ivanka is exploiting Winfrey’s Black Queen act. I think Ivanka just neutralized the most potent part of her message: that men are “bad.”

  13. My understanding about the Trump and the pussy grab video is that he never said that HE’S ever grabbed a pussy but that (paraphrasing here) powerful men in Hollywood could grab a pussy as a woman walked by and not get called out for it. Yet everytime I see it referred to it’s comes out that he’s the one that grabbed pussy.

  14. She can say what she wants. But I’m not a fan. That goes for 0krah too.
    Hey, every president has that “one” family member, right? Reagan’s idiot kid, GW’s Laura Bush, chelsea clinton, harry reid’s brother, tim kaine’s son… There’s always that ‘one’. Right now, her role in life is to be the Left’s “Chelsea.” Only Chelsea’s just straight out shallow and slow, and has no business savvy. LOL.

  15. I’m with Abigail on this. Stop bashing Ivanka based on Lefty memes of Palace Intrigue.

    Harmless tweet. Both Ivanka and Winfrey have been very successful at marketing to an audience of women. They both know which themes work, and what their audience wants to be told.

    It’s not like Ivanka is endorsing Oprah for 2020. 😀

  16. Not giving Ivanka a pass. She’s a dedicated New York lib and I’m not apologizing for or changing my opinion. Ivanka is a problem and could have a negative impact on Trump’s base if it’s suspected she has too much influence over President Trump. Sure, she’s free to express her opinion, but her liberal ideology is not helping the MAGA agenda.

  17. So Trump says a mogul could grab ’em by the pussy, and Hollyweird/MSM/Libs in general are SHOCKED by that? Wasn’t Harvey a mogul? Ivanka agrees that dad was correct, everybody know this (except Billy What’shisname) so now it’s not correct to call someone out for this?
    I’m so confused at the hypocrisy I think I’ll have another beer.

  18. This was not an endorsement of Oprah for office.
    It was however an embarrassing endorsement for an enabler and shows she doesn’t keep up with the culture wars
    And then there is the tired and old “grab’em” comments.
    All these women who became successful because they did let Weinstein have his way proves President Trump was 100% correct – “THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL LET YOU”!!!
    And because libs care so much about decorum and decency let us see what the historical record shows:
    and the best for last:


    What is wrong with political leader’s daughters? Except for Huckabee’s kid, they are almost all a social NUISANCE! I thought we would see the last of it after, Gingrich’s BRAT, but then we got the Bush daughters, then they passed the torch to professional TROLL Chelsea Clinton, and now even Trump’s daughter can’t shut her stupid pie hole! How long until we suffer again by Obama’s adopted kids?

    🔶 Shut your mouth
    🔶 Shut your stupid mouth
    🔶 Shut your DAMN stupid f*#king mouth!

  20. We don’t get to choose our family and Trump will not be choosing his supporters over his daughter who appears to be the only thing he loves unconditionally.

    Someone needs to wise her up about the position she is in. This isn’t the first time she has dabbled her toe in political waters.

    The Left will demand that she disavow her father if she talks about any issue. The media wants that rift because it is the only way to hurt him outside of boycotting and sabotaging his business interests.

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