Leftists Want To Shut Down Roseanne Reboot Because Dan & Roseanne Support Trump – IOTW Report

Leftists Want To Shut Down Roseanne Reboot Because Dan & Roseanne Support Trump


The braying moonbats launched their bullying immediately after the show’s star, Roseanne Barr, stated that the family would be Trump supporters, something that is just unacceptable in a country that has come completely unglued since Hillary lost the election.

One important thing to realize is that a lot of the intolerant snowflakes came of age during the Obama era and have no idea that we have traditionally lived in a country where the results of elections are accepted by the losers regardless of whether they agree with who won or not.

That is not the case with Trump as the blood fury of identity politics crusades are what now drives the left and their celebrity leaders and DAMN IT, a conservative Roseanne and Dan Connor are just not fit to air on American television.

Real-life Donald Trump supporter, Roseanne Barr, is making liberal heads explode after she announced her character will be playing a working-class Trump supporter. Even before Roseanne announced her character will be a Trump supporter, liberals were calling for a boycott of her show over her real-life support for our President. It’s not too hard to imagine how this scenario would have played out, only a couple of years ago when Barack Obama was our president.

Roseanne Barr said her character’s support for President Donald Trump in the revived sitcom “Roseanne” is a reflection of her own views and also true to the show’s roots.


19 Comments on Leftists Want To Shut Down Roseanne Reboot Because Dan & Roseanne Support Trump

  1. She not only apologized, she said she was imitating a baseball player and didn’t mean anything at all about it being a comment on the anthem.
    They booed her throughout the singing because it sounded horrible.

    It was a terrible choice, to try and introduce comedy to the anthem.

  2. Just look at it on video. She sang like a fool and grabbed her crotch and spit after “the home of the brave.”
    Phuck her. Don’t try to tell me she’s come around. She’s a fake, phony, and a fraud.

  3. 🎱 I fairly certain Rosanne said she was a practicing witch.
    🎱 And I’m reasonably certain John Goodman said he worshiped Satan on the Tonight Show.

    So, I’m not going full-tilt for these people just because they happen to make the left go crazy, but I’m not going to stop them that’s for sure.

  4. I have no doubt that the show will be a platform to make fun of us deplorables. Also, I heard there was going be a transgendered kid on the show. Probably to show how intolerant we are.

  5. Leftists ptetending to be conservatives is cultural appropriation. As far as I’m concerned, this is as bad as Davi Duke performing summer stock in blackface with a rousing rendition of “Porgy and Bess”.

  6. I don’t like the woman however she played this well. The contracts were signed, the writing in progress, checks deposited and THEN she noted a reasonable level of support for Trump. It wasn’t whole hearted, just somewhat thoughtful (a first for her I think) and the libs went nuts. Read some of the comments especially one that accuses her of being a birther and several other non-liberal thoughts but nobody seemed to mind until she gave some support to TRUMP and the libs started bleeding from their eyes and ears.

    Let the left boycott as much as they can. ABC won’t outright cancel because after Tim Allens screwjob they can’t take another publicity hit like that and Roseanne would be a damn sight lot more vocal and agressive then Tim was (read the story about the russian woman who lost her husband, bought a tank then went nazi hunting in ww2 then think of a pissed off Roseanne).

  7. Don’t attack BFH simply because he stated facts (nor I, for here they are):
    She sang the national anthem with the intent of being badly funny, as she clearly stated at the time, if they didn’t want it done that way they shouldn’t have invited her since everyone knew who she was and what she did (bad comedy). The whole spit and crotch grab was clearly stated at the time to be a comical mimicking (not a mocking) of baseball players in general.
    She is not anti-american.
    I am not defending her liberal-conservative-libertarian-agnostic whatever.
    She has said some things over the last couple of years that indicate she actually has a thinking brain and is using it.
    Let’s not push her off the cliff for her past (since I to was a liberal once, please don’t hate me).
    There is hope she may be in our trench when the SHTF. I would trust her more by my side than I would McCain, Rubio, or Christie.

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