German Soap Opera a Decade Ago Was Grooming Citizens For Islamization – IOTW Report

German Soap Opera a Decade Ago Was Grooming Citizens For Islamization

Episode 1084 – Murat (Erkan Gündüz) is amazed at how much Lisa (Sontje Peplow) is fighting for Islam.

The show is called Lindenstraße (Lime Street), airing since 1985.

The character here was named Lisa, and here she is telling her kid about the wonders of Islam and how ALL children are Muslim. Then she converts in front of him.


The current cast counts three male homosexuals, two of them living in marriage with an adopted son, and one female homosexual with a test-tube baby.

Just as in our country, it is pop culture that is the leading edge of what is to come. Do leaders tell writers what to write, or do leaders watch these shows and get their ideas?


ht/ js



14 Comments on German Soap Opera a Decade Ago Was Grooming Citizens For Islamization

  1. A reporter was interviewing the oldest living Norwegian fighter pilot, asking him how it was during the war.

    “Vell,” said the old guy, “vee used to fly up dere and dogfight dem Krauts. Ya, vee used to shoot dem German fokkers outta da sky.”

    “For the benefit of our viewers,” interrupted the reporter, “we should explain that the term ‘fokker’ refers to a specific type of German fighter plane.”

    “Vell ya,” said the old Norwegian pilot, “but dem fokkers vere flying Messerschmitts.”

  2. @BFH:

    Do leaders tell writers what to write, or do leaders watch these shows and get their ideas?

    I’d like to see a map of the money flow that results in the show’s production and broadcasts. I’m ignorant of how German TV works. Is it BBC-like, with tax-funded programming? Is it like legacy US broadcast networks, with advertising sponsors putting up most of the money? Is there an FCC-like regulatory body that has some control over content and station licensing?

    Knowing these answers might help in getting to the answer to your question.

  3. Diogenes

    A great resource. Any idea who’s pushing the annihilation of the white race? And more importantly where we can find their soon to be dead ass? This is bull shit.

  4. When I took German in 1978 in college, one of the first vocabulary words we learned was “Gastarbeiter”, or guest worker. IOW, Turks. The Germans were so proud of their pets. Stupid, smug Germans thought they had muslims figured out fiftyyears ago. They were dead wrong.

  5. I’m way ahead of this and am now going to refer to planet earth as planet shithole. Because I’m going to treat everyone equal. That way I can’t be labeled racist, though I do love a good race. I just haven’t been able to find a good race on this shithole planet.

  6. Ain’t nobody saving eurabia this time. I’ll eat my schnitzels here and in tropical comfort.

    I will miss a few October fest beers when they become illegal in muzzie land though.

  7. Beyond recovery, barring a very bloody revolution of people unarmed but fed up. Someday they’re going to be equivalent of Jews of the very early 30s. Do enough of them see that? Will they be able to ignore the world’s insults of “Hitler” just for wanting it to stay Germany? From what I read, I doubt it.

  8. Recently read how many Americans were lulled into an acceptance of abortion when Mary Tyler Moore’s friend, Rhoda, had one and we already liked and sympathized with that character. It is a long, slow process to indoctrinate a culture to something evil.

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