There is a certain cookie that’s sold in Haiti – IOTW Report

There is a certain cookie that’s sold in Haiti

Try and guess what they’re made of—

via It Ain’t Holy Water

This is not a $hithole??

36 Comments on There is a certain cookie that’s sold in Haiti

  1. If you grew up in the deep south it’s possible you have witnessed geophagia, dirt eating.
    It’s not a survival thing, it’s a cultural thing.
    The most desired is white clay, white dirt, chalk, it’s kaolin.
    I was probably 14 the first time I saw it, worked at a nursery, a woman who worked there dipped snuff, a lot of snuff, when her stomach got upset from all the tobacco juice she would nibble on a piece of white clay.
    She was white, like the clay.

  2. Lazlo’s sister Dorcas was in the Coast Guard back in the 90’s and was deployed to Haiti during the Baptiste change-over.
    They had a standing order that anybody who fell in the ocean less than a mile off shore got a full Hazmat scrub-down due to the toxins in the ocean.
    A shithole due to the corruption of the parody of government they have.
    Abandoning the Colonies was a bad move.

  3. A dirt poor ungoverned country where billions have been poured into only makes for a ripe plum for scoundrels like the Clintons to exploit. All that money wound up somewhere and it sure wasn’t Haiti.
    It’s a disgrace they get away with it.

  4. Another success by the Clinton Crime Family. Clinton and family get richer so that the Haitians can eat dirt.

    But at least they don’t rat on the Clinton’s so their suicide rate is low.

    And Killary smiles as the news media attacks Trump when dirty dick durban claims he called this Clinton shithole a shithole.

    MSG Grumpy

  5. The eco-wacko greenies ought to like this:

    1. dig a hole
    2. eat the dirt
    3. fill the hole with shit
    4. repeat steps 1-3 until you feel like you’re going to die
    5. dig a bigger hole
    6. lie down in it
    7. die

    Very tight closed cycle.

  6. no surprise …. I’ve eaten in enough chain restaurants & ‘ethnic’ restaurants to know that if you put enough sugar & salt on it, even a crap-filled chimmi-flatbread taco burrito faloopa poopa w/ asiago sriracha pea-hen guano mayo & marinated w/ desiccated yak snot, tastes edible

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