NeverTrumper Says He Wished He Voted For Trump – The Essay, However, Is Idiotic – IOTW Report

NeverTrumper Says He Wished He Voted For Trump – The Essay, However, Is Idiotic

Are we supposed to genuflect at the feet of this former NeverTrumper who’s had an epiphany? I read his story and simply rolled my eyes. He still mouths everything that current NeverTrumpers, ones that still denigrate Trump, continue to say.

It’s the story of a virtue-signalling prig every bit as nauseating as a prog.


A “Never Trumper” has a change of heart. – Alex Baltzegar

I have a basic set of standards that a candidate has to meet in order to earn my vote.  When Donald Trump was the Republican nominee in 2016, he did not meet my set of standards. As a result, I found myself unable to vote for him on election day.

But you voted for McCain, Romney, Bush I, Dole, Bush II? They met your standards?

He was unprincipled, willing to compromise on issues that should never be comprised upon.

When was that? He never held office before.

He seemed to change his stances on important issues as frequently as many of us change our favorite television program.

I’ve watched interviews with him dating back 3 decades and he’s virtually saying the same exact thing as he is today.

What’s more, he was morally unfit for the presidency, in my view.

You’re confusing president with pope. And I don’t think the present pope is all that morally fit, but I’m not calling for capitulation.

This was a man who bragged about extra-marital affairs,

Don’t care. Who is this moral guy? Jeb Bush? Sure, he’s loyal to his wife but he would’ve f*cked us. I’ll take Trump.

made numerous sexist remarks toward women,


told his supporters to “knock the crap out of”protesters,

It’s not “freedom of speech” to try and shut down other people’s speech. They needed having the crap knocked out of them.

mocked a handicapped reporter,

If you still repeating this false narrative, you may not be a bright as you think you are.

and bragged about being able to grope women because he was “a star.”

Wow, you’re as idiotic as the left. He said when you’re a star they LET YOU grab them. That’s not groping, stupid. Groping is performed against one’s will. Where did he say, “when you’re a star you get away with groping”?

Despite Mr. Trump’s shortcomings, I found Hillary Clinton to be even more detestable.

Wow. How long did it take you to come to this conclusion? Did you grapple with a spreadsheet, agonizing week after week? I’d vote for Trump over Hillary even if he was everything the NeverTrump accused him of being.

Her across-the-board support for what I found to be evil, progressive policies, including partial-birth abortion, combined with what she “allegedly” did to silence her husband’s rape victims was despicable, to say the least. So if Hillary Clinton was worse than Donald Trump, why did I not vote for the latter?

Ya, why?

I did not vote for Mr. Trump because I thought he would be the end of conservatism within the Republican Party.

What conservatism in the Republican party?

His presidency would not only cost Republicans the moral high-ground,

You worried yourself about having the moral high-ground over an opposition party that has absolutely no morals?  According to your statement we possessed the moral high ground, yet the right has been continuously cast as possessing every evil “ism” ever devised by man.

This seems asinine, and an unnecessary exercise in virtue-signalling to the choir.

but it would also mean the conservative faction of the Republican Party had lost.

When did they win? And who are they?

Mr. Trump’s European-style, right-wing populism would then dominate the party. Supporters of Donald Trump had abandoned conservative principles to support a man who was entirely unprincipled. Donald Trump did not believe in limited government; he merely wanted to be a voice for the American people.

Oh, he only wanted to be the voice for the American people? Is that all? Well, conservatives I know believe that the only people left that want to preserve and protect the founding principles of this country are the only ones that deserve to be called Americans. So, if he was to be the voice of the American people, that’s my kind of dog whistle. I heard it loud and clear. You missed it.

Now, while I think many of those things have held true, I feel that my decision to refrain from supporting President Trump was a mistake.

You don’t sound saved. You’re still apologizing for the man.

Donald Trump has been the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. Sure, he has been erratic and is certainly still flawed for many of the same reasons I did not vote for him in 2016;

You’re lost in Shapiroism.

however, Mr. Trump has been a tremendous president in his first year.  Here’s why:

see here

I guess I should be grateful for this guy’s turnaround, but I still think he’s ashamed of Trump. Whereby anyone who has a modicum of imagination could envision what a Hillary presidency would look like right now. For that alone, we don’t need these moralistic and petty snide asides that continue to taint the ether and endanger a Trump reelection.

When the gunslinger shows up to town and saves the day you give them a parade, not a 2 1/2 star Yelp review.

21 Comments on NeverTrumper Says He Wished He Voted For Trump – The Essay, However, Is Idiotic

  1. In other words, “Our uniparty candidate would have been creamed by Hillary because the American people are sick and tired of being lied to, so voting for the guy who was not lying really would have been the better option.”

  2. Normally I read the linked article for enhanced insight before commenting, but BFH’s intro was more than enough. This guy’s eyes have been opened sufficiently to see that PDJT is a great president but he’s still intellectually lazy enough to continue believing all those things that aren’t true? That “endorsement” isn’t worth a pitcher of warm spit.

  3. “Mr. Trump’s European-style, right-wing populism…”

    WTF. There is no such thing in Antifaland. Please tell me this clown isn’t talking about Hitler and Mussolini.

  4. “I have a basic set of standards that a candidate has to meet in order to earn my vote.” Alex Baltzegar

    No, you seek a Lord & Savior Mr Baltzegar, who has never resided at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

  5. It must be tough for guys like him and Erickson. Forced to feign a grudging acceptance of Trump’s accomplishments, yet still hoping and praying for his complete downfall to vindicate their bad choices. They’ll never get their cred back, but they don’t know it yet.

  6. dislikes trump for the msm lies told about him and then he conflates republicans with conservatives.

    no such thing.

    nothing but a whiney idiot liberal tired of being on the losing team but doesn’t really want to wear the winning team colors.

  7. Thanks BFH for standing vigilant against the NeverTrumpers.

    They are a cancer within our ranks never to be trusted. If they couldn’t see the Trump Train for what it was, regardless if they didn’t like him for personal reasons, then what good is their opinion now or in the future?

    Never forget.

  8. We don’t have to like Never Trumpers like this but lets be thankful
    when they finally come around. I wish more would open their eyes but
    if they would at least shut up and get out of the way think what we
    could get done.

  9. BFH I love the lie…When the gunslinger shows up to town and saves the day you give them a parade, not a 2 1/2 star Yelp review.
    Might I add; When the gunslinger shows up to town and saves the day you give them a parade, not a daily barage of lies and innuendo.

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