Scalia Approved of the Trump Candidacy – IOTW Report

Scalia Approved of the Trump Candidacy

Wash Exam-

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia found Donald Trump’s outspokenness and unfiltered comments as a presidential candidate early in the 2016 campaign to be refreshing, a friend of the late judge revealed in an interview.

“Justice Scalia thought it was most refreshing to have a candidate who was pretty much unfiltered and utterly frank,” Bryan Garner, a lexicographer who wrote two books with Scalia, told the Wall Street Journal in an interview published Monday.

Garner, a longtime friend of the late Supreme Court justice, said Scalia liked Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and was also intrigued by Trump.

“But he was fascinated by the fact that Trump was so outspoken in an unfiltered way, and therefore we were seeing something a little more genuine than a candidate whose every utterance is airbrushed,” he said.


ht/ c. steven tucker

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