Carol Swain believes racial attacks are losing their potency with many Americans – IOTW Report

Carol Swain believes racial attacks are losing their potency with many Americans

Yep. The race card is bent, frayed, worn out and ready to be tossed into the ash bin of history. Personally, if I’m called a racist it has the same effect as if someone called me a bald bastard (because I have a glorious and angelic head of hair.)

lifezette –

Swain said she has noticed that black acquaintances who did not vote for Trump are not as vociferous in their criticism of him as they once were.

“They’re getting quieter and quieter and begrudgingly acknowledging that this new tax bill is going to benefit them,” she said.

Swain said the Congressional Black Caucus is a “disgrace” and “racist.” She said race-baiting is central to the Democratic Party’s electoral strategy.

“Their whole key to winning elections depends on keeping the black public deceived,” she said.

But those tactics have been grown less potent from overuse, Swain said.

“If you continue to use the same-old, same old, same-old, same-old, people get tired of it,” she said. “They can see through it.”


10 Comments on Carol Swain believes racial attacks are losing their potency with many Americans

  1. “If you continue to use the same-old, same old, same-old, same-old, people get tired of it,” she said. “They can see through it.”


    It is when you get ONE good paying job that is a career with a 40 hour workweek and (gasp) overtime pay, a FULL benefits package, and a retirement plan with employer contributions, rather than 4 part-time dead-end jobs that go nowhere, offer no benefits, and just barely keeps on the unemployment rolls until welfare kicks back in….

    THAT is when people sit up and take notice of the reality and the BS talking points of liars and cheats.

  2. I hope that the President listens to her and talks to other black Conservatives. They are on his side and can also talk to the black community, rather listening to the skewed Black Caucus and their totally misinformed followers.

    Carol Swain has done videos for Prager University — she’s great!

  3. The Race Card may be losing some of its potency against public figures but against private ones?

    Good luck. It’s much easier to destroy a private individual’s career with unfounded accusations of anything especially given how PC most companies are.

  4. Trump treats politicians like the child raping gutter scum that we all know they are. Never legitimize or give honor or dignified treatment to these bags of puss. Talk to them like they are the lowest form of scum in society and openly mock them and show your contempt in public by yelling and cursing at them.

    Its the same as the fake racist claims and labels. Laugh at them and call the accusers racists right back to their faces. It makes the term meaningless. It is a fact, in general society, people do not pay attention and are no longer bothered by fake racism claims.

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