Citing tax cuts, Chase is investing 20 billion into the economy – IOTW Report

Citing tax cuts, Chase is investing 20 billion into the economy

Chase has stated that the tax cuts have reversed a trend that saw them closing branched. Now they will add branches.

Story at FORTUNE

Featured image from PIxabay


16 Comments on Citing tax cuts, Chase is investing 20 billion into the economy

  1. Thats the bank that convinced me to join a credit union. Worst customer service and loyalty I ever experienced in my life. Went to withdraw money once to buy some woodworking equipment I just happened across and they told me that for amounts that large, they would require several business days to get the withdrawal approved. $4500.00

  2. I wonder how much Chase received from the bailout as well as the stimulus program, the former for borderline illegal practices while the latter was as a result of the former (to be fair there were a number of shady things going on that caused the depresion/recession). Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’ll push some of your money back into the economy and add some jobs but I wonder how much ends up being real and how much ends up as hype. I think I’m just getting too jaded.

  3. The media has already done irreparable damage to itself by getting caught lying repeatedly and not reporting many important stories. The longer they withhold reporting the ongoing successes of Trump, the more they dig their own graves. They may never recover from the scandal now known as fake news.

  4. We also left Chase and switched to a credit union. They charged monthly fees on our kids’ accounts that weren’t supposed to have any fees. When we figured it out we told them we wanted all the money back plus interest. It took several months. Wankers.

    Then we left.

  5. @Bob; Hi Bob, JP Morgan Chase Inc (formed with the merger of JP Morgan and Chase Manhattan plus 2 others into JP Morgan Chase Inc in 2000) received $25 billion Oct 28, 2008. They repaid the loan June 9, 2009. I think you’re correct though because from what I could find they were one of the banks forced by the feds to take the money (Wells Fargo was another one). I stand mostly corrected 🙂

  6. Chase, or none of the components, will support gun sales. Neither will the Icon of the west, Well Fargo. I won’t deal with any of them. They can kiss the left side of my right cheek.

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