Coming To A Grade School Near You? – Roots of Empathy – IOTW Report

Coming To A Grade School Near You? – Roots of Empathy

Can empathy be taught? Should grade schools dedicate 27 lessons to teaching empathy? Is an infant a good way to teach children to be empathetic? What if studies show that the empathy in the classroom last for only three years, or that the approach is no more effective than any other?

If your answers are yes, yes and so what, I introduce you to Canada’s Roots of Empathy (ROE)

Video Here

USNews write up Here

Roots of Empathy official website Here 

I found an academic paper on the effectiveness of ROE. If you go to the Discussion section of the paper you’ll some interesting conclusion on the effectiveness of ROE dependent on the instructor and that the program seemed no better than an alternative. Then there’s this statement from page  17.

“The findings on empathy are puzzling. Contrary to expectations, there were no significant differences in self reported empathy and perspective taking between ROE and control children.”


17 Comments on Coming To A Grade School Near You? – Roots of Empathy

  1. As a young person I think I had too much empathy for people, believing people were basically good. Then I grew up when I found out they are basically evil as thousands of years of history prove. This is why history should be the #1 course taught to children.

  2. Pretty sure empathy is taught by millions of years of evolution. My freakin’ cats have empathy from time to time. The rest of the time, they’re just soulless killers, like all cats.

  3. No, it cannot be taught. And, there’s a difference between feeling empathetic and being an “empath.” Empaths (recent usage) don’t necessarily express their empathy in all situations. I have a son who, to me, is a true empath. Within 30 seconds of entering a room full of ten people, he can describe everyone’s emotional state to a ‘T’ without them saying a word.

  4. What they are teaching is how to fake empathy. This is a deliberate attempt by the progressive movement to confuse young minds and frustrate their ability to make rational decisions as they go through life.

  5. @TP The US News Article from December says the following

    In the U.S., Gordon says the program has also been introduced to classrooms in Washington, D.C., and in states such as New York, California, New Mexico, Washington and Hawaii. It’s expanding to Oregon next year.

    About where you’d expect the program to be implemented. I wonder if it meets Common Core or No Child Left Behind standards? I ask because I know there is no way that it does.

  6. The Glorious Study of The Party’s Science!

    “The findings on empathy are puzzling. Contrary to expectations, there were no significant differences in self reported empathy and perspective taking between ROE and control children.”

    Placing this stone on one side of the balance, and that stone on the other, the result is clearly wrong. We know which one must weigh more. Summon the counter-revolutionary that poisoned this deplorable balance!

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