California Dem Wants To Make Criminals of Restaurant Wait Staff Handing Out Unsolicited Straws – IOTW Report

California Dem Wants To Make Criminals of Restaurant Wait Staff Handing Out Unsolicited Straws

Ian Calderon, the majority leader in Cali’s lower house, wants to get tough with wait staff handing out straws to customers who don’t ask for one. He wants a fine and jail time up to 6 months.

You know what other crime carries a 6 month jail time penalty in California?

Knowingly infecting someone with HIV.

That’s right, a California prison conversation between two criminals could go like this-

What are ya in for?

– Well, I have full blown AIDS and I wanted to infect some dude that pissed me off, so I buttf*cked him. The judge gave me 4 months. How about you?

Well, coincidentally, I’m here because of the ol in and out as well.

I worked at In-N-Out burger and I gave a guy a straw. He didn’t ask for the straw. The judge gave me 6 months.


ht/ js

31 Comments on California Dem Wants To Make Criminals of Restaurant Wait Staff Handing Out Unsolicited Straws

  1. Per the article they backtracked on fining waiters – working a tough job to begin with.
    This is the brain child of a 9 year-old. Seriously. He is 16 now but was 9 when he arrived at a statistic of 500 million plastic straws per day in the US. ‘Everyone’ agrees with the number although there is no corroboration. When was the last time you saw an animal harmed by a plastic straw? I understand the plastic 6-pack rings, which you are supposed to cut so the animals don’t get caught in them, but straws?
    I should note that a couple of kids I know well received steel straws as Christmas gifts, and their mom has posted a few times about ‘saving the Earth from this menace.’

  2. Every time you post a story from the beautiful state of California I keep thinking you’re going to say at the end of the article I’m just kidding nobody in their right mind would do this.

  3. OK, I just had to watch the commercial and then go to the website.

    First the commercial. It is 60 seconds of people holding a plastic cup of water with a plastic straw in it, getting whacked by a supposed octopus tentacle. So the message I see is no plastic straws – but plastic cups are fine even though they use several times as much plastic.

    Second, the website. The 500 million straws per day is mentioned over and over. There is absolutely nothing about the impact on the ocean and sea life. Nothing. Just extrapolation that it must be bad. In fact the only scientific anything is Neil deGrasse Tyson. So in other words nothing. This is an entirely made up campaign. It’s monkeyfishing. From a 9 year-old. And a CA legislator is so up in arms about it he is willing to imprison people for offering straws to restaurant patrons.

  4. don’t care for straws myself, but it is a bit more sanitary, due to the dishwashing/sanitation methods at most restaurants that using glassware (you really wanna touch your lips to that thing that canker-sore man just drank out of?)

    just tell ’em that using straws over time wrinkles your lips (which it does, btw) …. problem solved …. wildlife breathes a sigh of relief

    btw, this is silly as ‘sandwiches cause Globull Warming’ but 1k private jets to Davos is okey-dokey

  5. wait! I just figured out the solution to the ‘dilemma’ … just go back to paper straws!
    naaaaaaah … they’d just bitch about ‘the trees!’ & Gaia-Rape™

    they won’t be satisfied until we’re all living in caves & getting our Amazon deliveries of our Blue Apron meals by Ox-cart

  6. Brings back memories of junior high lunch when we would dip the paper end of the straw into the mashed potatoes and gravy then blow the paper and try to get it to stick to the ceiling. Great fun!

  7. The place I have been eating lunch uses paper straws. I had no idea this was even an issue.
    The paper starts to get soft after the first glass, guess that is on purpose too side we are running out of clean water in the middle Nebraska?????
    I wonder if there is an exception for death valley or the Salton Sea area?
    What about the chilren no 3rd grade craft projects with straws anymore..:-(

  8. Killary demanded, insisted on, bendable straws. And threw a shit fit if she got an unbendable one. Just sayin.”
    I thank God and the American people every day that that evil psychotic bitch is not President.

  9. First they came for salt then the soda then the guns now and the straws. What’s next?
    Actually the list of stuff they want to ban and have is too huge as I sit here and think it over.
    Plastic bags, Smokers, What you can say around women, black, Moslems and gays, Using water that you pay for in your own house and yard, bullets,10 round magazines and AR’s, Trans fat, Styrofoam, tree trimming and cutting and pro Trump.
    I know I just gave the short list.

  10. By the by you can make a disposable straw that disintegrates once it gets wet. And you can determine
    how quickly it disintegrates once it gets wet.
    Using gels and pharmaceutical glaze. Cheap no. Disposable yes.

  11. I just sent this to a friend who is a mucky muck in the local restaurant union here in the Golden State.

    I suspect he’ll be sending it to the leadership, probably before I finish {proof read} this sentence.

    The unions are a huge voice in the capital. Powerful. All Democrat. Maybe some sense will come over them. Nah, won’t happen.

  12. Kathryn Steinle received a hunk of lead without asking and yet her “wait-person” was basically let off. If he had given her a straw he would be in jail.
    Makes Cali-sense to me….

  13. I think it is an exercise in social engineering. Remember the Obama cough/sneeze during the Great Flu Scare of 2009? Obama had us all coughing and sneezing into our elbows. I am sure he gets a rush of profound satisfaction every time he sees someone do it. Kind of like kowtowing to the emperor.

    Look back at what Obama and his puppet-masters have been able to change in our culture and society in only eight years. Some that come to mind are “this is what democracy looks like”; gay marriage/adoption; men in the girls bathrooms; pronoun wars; intersectionality is a thing; “hate” speech is not protected by the 1st Amendment; the Constitution is an anachronism, as are Congress and the Courts and the Federal Budget; our friends are our enemies and our enemies are our friends; you cannot publicly support any opposition candidate or position; removal of any vestige of the Confederacy and persecution (vandalism, assault, murder, verbal and physical harassment, loss of employment, expulsion from school, all with at least tacit approval from authorities — also applies to support of opposition) of anyone who rebels; Common Core math. Not a complete list — not even close.

    They will continue apace in places like Calif… well, all the usual suspects. Trump cannot waiver or momentum in the correction is lost. He really needs to lose Javanka for the duration of his term(s) in office. I can imagine Javanka nodding admiringly while reading the article.

  14. If they don’t like straws make Cal. a BYOB only service state.
    Bring Your Own Booze, ah, er, Beverage.

    Is Cal. being run by morons in the state house or the ones in the mental institution, as patients?

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