Dems ‘change rules’ to protect Nancy Pelosi, thwart primary challenger – IOTW Report

Dems ‘change rules’ to protect Nancy Pelosi, thwart primary challenger

American Mirror: Stephen Jaffe, the “true progressive” running against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th congressional district, contends Democratic Party leaders rigged its rules to push through Pelosi’s automatic endorsement – likening the move to the Democratic National Committee’s efforts to railroad Bernie Sanders and hand the 2016 presidential primary to Hillary Clinton.  MORE


9 Comments on Dems ‘change rules’ to protect Nancy Pelosi, thwart primary challenger

  1. Of course they rigged it.

    The Agenda is too important to leave to the democratic process.
    You can’t practice democracy here, we’re Democrats!

    Pelosi is already half an invalid. Do they need a sign that says “you must be this mentally impaired to represent San Fransicko?”


    She doesn’t even smoke weed.

  2. Corruption in the Demonrat nominating process?

    Shocked! Shocked, I tells ya!

    The enablers, encouragers, and abettors of corruption complaining about corruption!
    That’s pretty rich.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Always read the last paragraph to get the real nuggets:
    Whatshisface says he’s not really concerned about the endorsement, he’s more concerned with the corrupt Democrat party system.

    So me True Progressive Candidate: If you’r so concerned with corruption, why are you a Democrat?

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