Trump Trolling? Trawling? – IOTW Report

Trump Trolling? Trawling?

6 Comments on Trump Trolling? Trawling?

  1. Mark Levin had a meltdown today about the immigration proposal. He’s quick to put on his big boy NeverTrumper pants and to start yelling about stuff. I had to turn him off. Again. I also think he’s trying to take credit for the Swamp conspiracy to take out DJT. 🤨

  2. I truly have to believe he is thinking he is in a win win spot with his current proposal

    – if the Dems take it, he is seen as the one that actually cared about the “dreamers” but is only a fraction of the future “voters” the dems hoped for and he shuts down the uncontrolled spigot that immigration currently is. He expects he can pull more middle or the road voters to his side and likely some of those dreamer families that actually integrate. It is not the best deal, but it is highly unlikely it succeeds since the Dems will not accept the wall, end of chain migration, and end of visa lottery.

    – if the Dems don’t take it, he is seen as the one (by middle America) that offered a solution and the Dems get eaten alive for not making it happen by their radical base. this will tear the left apart and make the midterms in his favor.

    who said he did not get politics?? If my guess is true, he is going for blood using their own leftist tendencies against them and there is little the left can do to stop him.

  3. Remember, there are illegals here that were brought as young children, who are not protesting, demanding leftist leeches. I’d like them to become citizens, but not at the expense of others that are taking the legal road to get here. Or our expense, either.
    Let Pelosi and Schumer pay for this out their own pockets.

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